Free The Ex show in Chicago

ERawk wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:
Magenta wrote:Clarinet player was Michael Richards, and he's a wise man for holding back a torrent of racist profanity and relying instead on his instrument for expression.


Your FYP is lame.

Can't a girl ogle?

Magenta, yous chica, right?

It was a joke because the guy kinda looked a little bit like Michael Richards and it was an unholy noise that emanated from his clarinet at times. Sorry if it wasn't funny.

For the record, the guy was an incredible musician and sufficiently handsome as far as I'm concerned, but then I really don't know from dudes.
Last edited by Colonel Panic_Archive on Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Free The Ex show in Chicago

Marsupialized wrote:
that damned fly wrote:
Piasek wrote:
Ace wrote:
Piasek wrote:i don't understand phenomen of this band. i mean they're ok, but not that great.

Oh they're great alright. try to get some of their stuff from 84-89, it seems like it would be up your alley.

i'll do that.
or the stuff steve did. also great.

Yeah, Starters Alternators is always a good starting point

listening to samples right now.

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