Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

longdivi wrote:Hi Burun and everyone else involved,

I felt so disappointed at not being able to see this performance, and even more sad when I thought about how much work you guys put into this and how sweet it would have been. My sincere condolences.

By the way, I waited around until after Gottsching E-2 E-4. That was one of the worst things I've ever seen.


I appreciate your concern. It took me til this morning to really be "over it." This was supposed to be my first live performance in like 4 or 5 years and I was really really bummed about not playing. I was so bummed I couldn't even enjoy Gottsching which is sad because I really like E2-E4 and I am a huge Ash Ra Tempel fan.

The biggest thing I am taking out of this experience is that I need to direct all my anger and frustration into finding some people to play music with who share my same love of good psych music.

Also, another cool piece of trivia, I talked to the main sound guy around 8ish on friday and he told me that we were clocked at 111 decibels at soundcheck and that were not supposed to be above 90 db. Kinda cool. Heard another rumor that if Lincoln Center and Wordless had supplied power a different way we would have been able to play in the rain and would not have had to worry about being shocked. Oh well, I feel most sorry for people who flew in to play in this from Arizona, Colorado and the midwest. All I had to do is lug my gear from Soho up to the UWS for it.

See y'all next summer (hopefully).

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

The rehearsal did indeed rock. At one point, it was THUNDEROUS. Overwhelming. Excellent job by everyone!

I watched as burun tuned and Justin from Queens tapped his feet. I was not introduced to vockins, as he was busy signing autographs for teen Jeter fans.

I met McGarvey.

There was this girl. A very hot girl. She played a very hot guitar. A powder blue G&L with a single tailpiece pick-up. I did not have any tailpiece pickup lines. Jesus, that guitar was hot.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Dr. Venkman wrote:There was this girl. A very hot girl. She played a very hot guitar. A powder blue G&L with a single tailpiece pick-up. I did not have any tailpiece pickup lines. Jesus, that guitar was hot.

That was one of three Robert Poss's SC-1s built for him by Leo Fender. Poss and one other dude had the others.

Poss played an SC-1 with a humbucker made from 2 G&L MFDs. It was stupidly cool.

I'd like to think I'm beyond gear fetish bullshit, but those guitars were fucking sick.

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