Funny Names

My wife and son and I were in Bob Evan's waiting to order breakfast. The waitress, who was about fifty pounds away from morbidly obese (not sure if it was glandular or not) waddled over and offered us coffee. It was that exact moment that I looked at her name tag, which read "LOO LOO".

I nearly choked on spit and was unable to look at her for ten minutes. = My acoustic songwriting.
Marsupialized wrote:A male playing an acoustic guitar.

Come on.

Funny Names

I probably written about this here before, since it's my favourite name story, but what the heck?

I was at school with twin brothers; Stuart and *forgotten*. Stuart's and *forgotten*'s dad was also called Stuart.

Happily, there was born a further son to Stuart snr - a younger brother for Stuart and *forgotten*. The youngest son was named Stuart.
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

Funny Names

There was a guy in my estate growing up called Alan Gallon. Another couple of lads in the school with variations of Bent/Gaye as second names.

And now to my favourite...

I was watching a Channel 4 documentary on the euthanasia proponent/genuine nut Rev. Exoo. They had a psychologist interviewed to examine his possible motivations, the psychologists name.....Dr Dick Badcock. He's a Freudian too which gave me a chuckle. Here's a link to his details.

Funny Names

I taught a girl during one of my placements whose parents had onviously wanted to nam her after one of the favourite vaccuous socialite celebrties, but couldn't decide on which one. What did they go for?

Paris-Peaches. That's right, this girl's first name was Paris-Peaches...

I also heard of a man whose surname was Warrior, so he called all his kids things like Roman and Samurai. Not sure how true that one is though...
My label
My band

Funny Names

Adam I wrote:My wife encountered a person who'd named their daughter J-Lo the recently.

I recently worked in a school with a boy named Storm, two twins called Brandy and Baileys, and a kid called Chandler Joey Ross.


(edited for bad joke)
Last edited by simmo_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Funny Names

I have a friend whose name sounds almost exactly the same as "Molten Nipple". If you say that out loud, you are saying his name, except for the first consonant. I feel that it would be unfair to write his name properly on here.

He is a big, hulking, lovely and friendly Canadian and seems to have suffered little from this affliction.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

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