American History X

Total votes: 10 (56%)
Total votes: 8 (44%)
Total votes: 18

Movie: American History X

not crap. not the best movie in the world...but i can excuse the simplistic "omfg racists are evil!" stuff, in exchange for great photographic style and excellent performances. who new that baby john conner, the cop from up in smoke, and the wife from vacation were such good actors? even with the simplistic moralizing i still found edward norton's character to be suitably scary.

the myths about the director are pretty great as well. apparently a legendary douche who managed to attain 'unemployable' status due to his ego and temper.

in the "racistskinheadsarebad" film genre thunderdome, i'd say romper stomper is on par, but this is england trumps them both. this is england is incredible.

Movie: American History X

I think that if the film ended right after the skinheads beat the black guys in basketball, American History X would have been a mind blowing short film.

skinheads all jumping up and down in slow motion.

ed norton, hangiing from the rim like a swasktika'd woody harrelson.

backboard shattered.

ball crushed into the asphalt.


kerble is right.

Movie: American History X

I remember, before seeing this movie, somebody saying 'there was a brutal rape scene in that movie'

Then I saw it, and though the rape scene looked like a Tom of Finland fantasy.

Sorry to be an asshole but I couldn't stop laughing.

Then again, that was most of this movie.

Fuggit, The Believer is Crap to. I waffle for Ryan Gosling's charisma whenever he rants in the movie, but everything else seems like a backdrop for that. Not quite as unintenionally hilarious as AHX, but Jesus...that just ain't saying a whole lot.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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