Free The Ex show in Chicago

Yeah, I'm not a chick, hahah. I can see how the confusion comes about (the avatar, the screen name, whoops!). Also, I didn't get the Michael Richards joke, but it's funny now that I understand.

I started with Starters Alternators, but this one is probably the weakest of their run with Touch & Go. I think their singles comp might be a better starting point, if people are still discussing starting points. That way, you can pick which single is your favorite and pick an album in its nearest vicinity. Or just get everything the band ever did.

Aural Guerrilla is worth it alone for "Carcass" and that Peter Hammill cover.

Free The Ex show in Chicago

I consider myself one seriously lucky mofo for having seen The Ex in 1989 (with NoMeansNo opening!) and twice with Tom Cora in 1993 and 1994. The Tom Cora shows were UNBELIEVABLE.

The Lounge Ax show when Starters came out was also phenomenal. I still miss Luc's amazing presence and sound but I like all periods of Ex music.

Free The Ex show in Chicago

turnbullac wrote:
The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:Was there. Had rickshaw. Only people I saw who I knew were tipcat and my friend Lacey.

Lacy Weathersbee?

Also scott where the hell were you? I didn't see you...

also, best fucking band in the world

Yes, Lacey Weathersbee...

I've known her a good...shit...thirteen years now.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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