what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

We used to have a flock of those fuckers at the practice space when I moved in. Zillions. We call them "beer flies". When you put down an open beer, they jump inside within seconds. Used to have to cover up any open berrs with bottlecaps or packs of cigarettes or whatever to keep the jerks out.

Turns out the solution was simple. We instituted a rule: no wounded soldiers left, EVER. That's where they were breeding, inside berrs that were left sitting overnight or longer.

I suggest you start with not ever leaving even a drop of berr in any bottle that's anywhere for any length of time. We don't have them at the space anymore, which I consider a small miracle.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

kerble wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
jurgis rudkus wrote:I have no bugs at home, nor here at work, but thanks to this thread I feel them ALL OVER ME and it's driving me insane.


You sure it's not the meth?

jurgis is clearly smoking mothamphetamine.

Hmm... Crystal Moth, as a band name -- gotta be taken already, right?
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

Marsupialized wrote:
jurgis rudkus wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
jurgis rudkus wrote:I have no bugs at home, nor here at work, but thanks to this thread I feel them ALL OVER ME and it's driving me insane.


Oh yeah? You wanna REALLY freak out about bugs being on you? Click that link right there. I dare you.


Good lord... I got a bit queasy just at the 'gateway' page... Did not check out the video.

Actually, I think the idea of gnats doesn't bother me anymore, after the maggotry.


Is it the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, I have gotten the shivers from it popping into my head at least 5 times a day since I saw it.
I really wish I had never seen it.

I don't have the guts for it... I know someone who saw the whole Nick Berg beheading and regrets it very much.
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I think maybe why you get them is the 25 or so animal carcasses littered throughout your apartment.

Fuck, I wish I had 25 pieces of taxidermy. Anyone gets a lead on something dead, white and fuzzy let me know. I did just get a lovely deer hide as a gift.
I think my problem is related to my housemate's banana collection, see.

if you had posted that about 2 weeks ago you would have had more Taxidery than you can shake a stick at my Grandpa was a really good Taxidermist, and Grandma and I cleaned out her basement, alot of things got thrown out, I think there might be some fish, would you like a Sturgen? its about 6 foot...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

jurgis rudkus wrote:I don't have the guts for it... I know someone who saw the whole Nick Berg beheading and regrets it very much.

The beheading didn't phase me, i have watched it. Yeah it's fucked up and nasty but it didn't get into my head like this one did.

Someone watch that video, who has the guts?
Last edited by Marsupialized_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

Marsupialized wrote:If there's a heaven and they accidentally let me in, I will ride into battle against god on a giant anteater.

I am not using my trusty symbol of appreciation multiplied by 3 this one time.

Someone watch that video, who has the guts?

What's it about? Beheading gnats, unsnouting anteaters?. I don't want to watch it, so could you briefly describe it for me?
Last edited by ssakmule_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

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