milwaukee people: fonzie

Redline where you just at Rockhaus? I brought in my Ampeg, but I wasn't sure that was you...

That was me..Buying strings and strap locks for the mayhem on the Bradford Beach Saturday.

I just saw the Broze Fonz! - too many people still. Local celebrity John McGivern was doing ME TV Promos next to it. A hasty exit was required.


I do like MEtv, especially the fact that they show Svengoolie...
Last edited by Redline_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.

milwaukee people: fonzie

nick92675 wrote:wow - i want to visit that!

Its across the street from the St. Paul Hotel.

Quick sidenote on said hotel: AlBStern, myself, and Braver (guy on our baseball team) went to another teammate's wedding and stayed here. Our rooms were not ready so we went to the bar and got shitfucked off of bourbon for a few hours. Independently of one another, we destroyed the bathrooms of our rooms. Braver by crapping and clogging up the toilet, Al by leaving the shower on with the curtain out and majorly flooding the bathroom and crapping up the toilet, and me by partially flooding the bathroom in the same manner, throwing my wife's clothes in the tub while she showered, and inadvertently lighting a fire in the sink...while crapping. I believe I also took a picture of my penis with my phone and sent it to Brad Weissenberger. So anyway, yeah, go check out the Charles Schultz' statues.
Ryan Kevin Rezvani (:u)~
Go You Sox

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