what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

I've heard getting clean from meth (not the withdrawal process itself but actual recovery) helps make those nasty little bugs disappear. But meth addicts usually have issues like anger management and disorganized thinking. So obviously this is not your dilemma.

Just dunno, bro. But keep up your spirits and hope that a Kafkaesque nightmare realm in which YOU are posting here feebly in the form of an insect does not envelope your world. Or mayhap it already has...better change you screen name to "GregorSamsaialized" just in case.

The ultimate zing!

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

My wife is an entomologist (aka bug scientist), and after giving her the summary of your situation (minus tales of drug abuse, snuff videos and other digressions) she agrees that you have drain flies. Her suggestion: get a mess of bleach and pour it down the drains. A good bleaching should last you a few weeks, but if more show up, do it again. She is of the opinion that vinegar and lemon juice won't gut it with these things -- don't fuck around, go for the ugly chemical stuff. Oh, if you can pop for a dehumidifier, that's not a bad idea for keeping away the bugs. And stay off the meth, goddammit!
"Everything should be kept. I regret everything I’ve ever thrown away." -- Richard Hell

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

Colonel Panic wrote:I don't think it's his brain, I believe it's a large skin sore on the side of his head.

I've heard that in some countries they use maggots in medicine, to have them eat infected tissue out of a wound or lesion.

I believe they've done that in some hospitals in the U.S.

They also use leaches to keep the blood flowing on reattached fingers.

Here's proof:


http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... ine_2.html

Last edited by Mark Hansen_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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