Little details from your day

I totally PWNED this guy at the poker table yesterday. He was one of those guys that obviously has learned all he knows about poker from watching it on TV.

I enjoyed stacking him, very much.

After he bought in again, we went heads up. When it was showdown time, we both turned over the same cards (KJ) and he said "Wow, we got all stressed about nothing!"

I looked him in the eye, and said sweetly "I don't get stressed about cards. I get stressed about work." He didn't know quite how to take that.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

Rimbaud III wrote:Man, I haven't played a B&M game in ages. In fact, since my last bad beat online, I've probably only played one game at all. That's two months. I'm getting itchy. I need some action! Reading about the game isn't helping. I'm totally consumed by this at the moment:


Devoured half of it sat on the crapper!

Was that you who they were mentioning in the interesting world records thread?
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

Little details from your day

Mark Hansen wrote:Devoured half of it sat on the crapper!

Was that you who they were mentioning in the interesting world records thread?[/quote]

Ha! Alas, no - my arse was stone cold five minutes in. There are other bathroom-based records that I'm sure I break regularly. I cleaned ever last square millimetre of my toilet the other day. It's so clean I actually would encourage eating your dinner out of it.

burun wrote:That book is written by two friends of mine. It's OK.

Stuey was a pretty strange guy. Amazing to watch, but ultimately a very sad character.

I knew the story was a sad one, but I wasn't prepared for exactly how depressing it was. Also, I had no idea Michael Imperioli played him in a 2003 biopic. I haven't seen this film, but this casting just doesn't work in my head.

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