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Finishing an Internship: Which party buys a gift? - Page 2 - Premier Rock Forum

Who buys a gift?

The Intern
Total votes: 4 (17%)
The Boss
Total votes: 19 (83%)
Total votes: 23

Finishing an Internship: Which party buys a gift?

when i finished my internship at water music studios in hoboken nj (http://www.watermusic.net) i simply wrote my boss, rob, a long thank you note thanking him for the opportunity and stating my intention to further our working relationship by helping him out if he desired any assistance be it with the studio or the label he's trying to start up. apparently i was either the first to ever consider writing a thank you note, or the first to do it in my own eloquent style, and supposedly it's hanging behind his desk.

he keeps in touch too, which is nice, asks my opinions about bands he wants to sign, wants me to help out in numerous ways. i guess the internship doesn't really have to end just because your stay in-house is complete.

Finishing an Internship: Which party buys a gift?

bonati wrote:
A gift to an employer? For allowing you to bust your ass there with absolutely no added expense to them?

Absolutely. You have an obligation to show appreciation for the experience you received. A small gift is perfectly reasonable. And what the fuck do you mean by "with no added expense to them"? What a crock of shit. You don't seem to have any respect for the fact that accomodating an intern can be a huge pain in the ass for a small business. An intern can significantly affect the quality and efficiency of daily operations. A bad intern has the potential to hinder productivity, damage gear, offend clients, or just be a general annoyance.

You could say any of this about a paid employee, especially a low-ranking one. Still, its expected that you usually get paid for your work. Are you suggesting that employees, especially the low-ranking newbies, should PAY THE BOSS? This sounds like the single most stupid employment model I've ever heard.

I understand that letting someone gain experience for a short time might be a hassle, but a thank you would do fine. If not, you have to question the motives of the 'employer'.

They owe you the gift! They owe you a glowing reference! They owe you some goddamn sincere appreciation (assuming you did a fine job for them)!

Ha ha! What an awesome sense of entitlement you have! Seriously, I don't know any successful people with this kind of attitude. But then again, you could always change career paths and join the Xmen. Perhaps your mutant power could be the superhuman ability to deflect all sense of obligation and duty.

If I work hard, for free, and do a good job, its not unreasonable to expect something in return. This seems obvious. It needn't be a gift per se, but presumably a thank you or a good reference wouldn't go amiss?

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