Little details from your day

Robert G wrote:Campus Crusade co-worker and I debated about my atheism. I don't think I made any headway to converting her out of her religion since she was trying to argue with me with points taken from Timothy Keller's The Reason For God.

Ah well, we're both done with our job anyway so I'll never have to be face-to-face with her ever again.

Throw her into the lake. In about a week she'll be Canada's problem.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Little details from your day

A few minutes ago, while searching for an ouroboros ring on eBay, I found what may very well be the best seller profile ever.

About seller

I am a multi-generation witch. I was born in Ireland and later moved to The States with my family where I joined with a local coven who got me into selling on eBay and on some of our items and we transfer paranormal energies vessel to vessel.

I could tell you about how I developed my abilities, but that is a dull story about hard work. Instead, here's a more interesting one from when I was younger:

I find that by having psychic gifts, I am drawn to others who are psychic. Sometimes this is not always for the better...

When I was a teenager, I somehow managed to go out with this good-looking English-Scotch Jew chick. She wasn't Jewish religion, though. She was a Wiccan. I didn't know this going into the relationship, either. She said she celebrated Chanukah, so I assumed she was Jewish. Whatever. So, things go fine for a while, la-di-da, She asks me to go to her house, I say sure. I rode my bike into her apartment complex, and nobody's at her house but her. I was young at the time (15) so I didn't think much of it. She gave me a hug, then told me to take my shirt off. Thinking something fun was about to happen, I did so. She threw me onto the couch and said she'd be right back. A few seconds later, I blacked out.

I woke up and there was a shattered lamp on the ground and I was down to my skivvies, not to mention handcuffed. My arms hurt for some reason, too. Thinking she'd stolen my kidney or something, I was freaking out. I found my kidney was intact. My vision finally unblurred, and she had CARVED STUFF INTO MY ARM. I had a pentagram cut into my left arm, and a snake biting its tail (an Ouroboros to the educated) in my right. I freaked out.

She walked out of her bathroom naked and said something along the lines of a ceremony beginning and she kept calling me Azazel. I asked her WHAT THE *@#% went on, and she said that she was a reincarnation of Lilith, and I was Azazel, her demon lover, but I didn't know it. She sat on my chest and started cutting her arm and letting the blood get all over my face and arms. It was freaking horrific. She was like "NOW THE TRANSFORMATION WILL BEGIN!" I actually was pitching a tent in my pants from seeing my girlfriend on top of me, though I wasn't very happy, and she mounted, and leaned over to kiss me. I bit her in the breast. I ripped off that little bump thing, and I then head-butted her so hard that I couldn't even see. I threw her off me, and she started swinging the freaking knife at me. I groin punted her, and then heel-stomped her in the back of the head. I got the keys, my clothes, and got the heck out of there. Since that day, I've had freaking weird nightmares and dreams about demons and crap. The stupid pentagram and ouroboros were cut deep too, so now they're scarred into my arms. Now I have to explain this story to every single significant other I have. *Sigh*
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:A few minutes ago, while searching for an ouroboros ring on eBay, I found what may very well be the best seller profile ever.

About seller

I am a multi-generation witch. I was born in Ireland and later moved to The States with my family where I joined with a local coven who got me into selling on eBay and on some of our items and we transfer paranormal energies vessel to vessel.

I could tell you about how I developed my abilities, but that is a dull story about hard work. Instead, here's a more interesting one from when I was younger:

I find that by having psychic gifts, I am drawn to others who are psychic. Sometimes this is not always for the better...

When I was a teenager, I somehow managed to go out with this good-looking English-Scotch Jew chick. She wasn't Jewish religion, though. She was a Wiccan. I didn't know this going into the relationship, either. She said she celebrated Chanukah, so I assumed she was Jewish. Whatever. So, things go fine for a while, la-di-da, She asks me to go to her house, I say sure. I rode my bike into her apartment complex, and nobody's at her house but her. I was young at the time (15) so I didn't think much of it. She gave me a hug, then told me to take my shirt off. Thinking something fun was about to happen, I did so. She threw me onto the couch and said she'd be right back. A few seconds later, I blacked out.

I woke up and there was a shattered lamp on the ground and I was down to my skivvies, not to mention handcuffed. My arms hurt for some reason, too. Thinking she'd stolen my kidney or something, I was freaking out. I found my kidney was intact. My vision finally unblurred, and she had CARVED STUFF INTO MY ARM. I had a pentagram cut into my left arm, and a snake biting its tail (an Ouroboros to the educated) in my right. I freaked out.

She walked out of her bathroom naked and said something along the lines of a ceremony beginning and she kept calling me Azazel. I asked her WHAT THE *@#% went on, and she said that she was a reincarnation of Lilith, and I was Azazel, her demon lover, but I didn't know it. She sat on my chest and started cutting her arm and letting the blood get all over my face and arms. It was freaking horrific. She was like "NOW THE TRANSFORMATION WILL BEGIN!" I actually was pitching a tent in my pants from seeing my girlfriend on top of me, though I wasn't very happy, and she mounted, and leaned over to kiss me. I bit her in the breast. I ripped off that little bump thing, and I then head-butted her so hard that I couldn't even see. I threw her off me, and she started swinging the freaking knife at me. I groin punted her, and then heel-stomped her in the back of the head. I got the keys, my clothes, and got the heck out of there. Since that day, I've had freaking weird nightmares and dreams about demons and crap. The stupid pentagram and ouroboros were cut deep too, so now they're scarred into my arms. Now I have to explain this story to every single significant other I have. *Sigh*


By 'that little bump' does he mean her nipple?

Little details from your day

Holy Fuck. This could be a two parter, but I'm going to skip the part where I participated in a Rise Against music video and skip to the part thats really vexing me.

So, I ditched out half-way through on the music video shoot and met my ladyfriend at a bar. Afterwards she wanted me to come hang out for "15 minutes" and it turned into three hours. I ride my seriously loud moped home and shut it off at the end of the street in the hopes of not waking up my neighbors.

I come inside and check my email and my phone vibrates. I just missed a call from a familiar area code from a phone number that I'm not familiar with. I try calling it and don't get through. I try again a few minutes later, and don't get through.

So a few minutes go by and my phone rings as I'm heading to bed. It's my roommate's mother, she's crying her eyes out. She says her name and, shocked, I say miss "*****". I've known this woman since I was 14 and she's never been anything but amazing to me. She explains that she's worried that my roommate is having a grand mal seizure (he's epileptic, just like me. we fit well together) because my phone, apparently had just called her and all she heard was static.

I lost my phone a few weeks ago, and he gave me an old one. I've noticed it doing random things while in my pocket but never thought twice about it. I wiped clean all of the numbers. I have no idea how it figured out how to do this.

So, she's crying her eyes out because the phone called her while I rode home at 4:30am on my moped. I quickly explain what must have happened and begin my string of apologies. She says it's ok, but that the ambulance is on it's way and that I should let them know about the misunderstanding. Keep in mind, that my roommate is upstairs sleeping with his new girlfriend. This is actually the first time she's been to our place.

So I run outside just as three fire trucks and an ambulance are turning the corner. I wave them down and explain and they're rather cool about it. They take off and I'm just thinking fuck.

So I come in and pour a big glass of scotch to calm me down. Suddenly I hear seven door bell rings. I dart down the stairs to the door and it's the cops, four of them. "Where is he!" I explain the misunderstanding and that the paramedics had left about ten minutes ago. He asks again where he is, and I say he's upstairs in bed. For a second I think they're going to bust in to go check on him, which I know his new lady wouldn't appreciate. They stop asking questions after a minute and turn around and leave.

So, my phone just caused so much trouble. The cherries and blueberries probably woke up 'sup. I have to call his mother and smooth this over in the morning. Then I have t tell him about how I almost gave his mother a heart attack.

Fuck life.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Little details from your day

Already, I have stabbed myself with a knife this morning while making breakfast. Nothing serious. it's just a prick, not even bleeding, but it stings a bit still.

Breakfast included:

One big ol' pancake
4 slices of thick-sliced, peppered bacon
3 good-sized sausage patties
a mug of Swiss Miss French Vanilla hot chocolate with some marshmellows to boot.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

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