Why Are Vaccinations One Of The Few Medical Treatments That The Government Places Into The Category Of Universal Care, Often To The Point Of Intimidation?

Because Science Always Gets It Right.
Total votes: 1 (50%)
Because Government Always Gets It Right. (No votes)
Because The Media Always Gets It Right. (No votes)
Because We All Know That Good Health Comes In The Form Of A Syringe Or A Pill.
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Total votes: 2

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

Heeby Jeeby wrote:
But of course you should listen to some complete fucking shitehawk internet theorist who lives in America and who thankfully has limited experience of the diseases that we are thankfully immunised against.

When you think pretty much every facet of modern civilisation is run behind the scenes and against you, you don't have much time for anything else than flailing about randomly and aggressively. That mindset is addictive.

You could, of course, be creative about your displeasure with the hegemony of banking or the world being run by a few for their own benefit, and start with a positive mindset, and start working on something really radical.

Or you could just be an attention-seeking asshole on the internet. It's a whole lot easier than doing something useful.

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

johnnyshape wrote:
Heeby Jeeby wrote:
But of course you should listen to some complete fucking shitehawk internet theorist who lives in America and who thankfully has limited experience of the diseases that we are thankfully immunised against.

When you think pretty much every facet of modern civilisation is run behind the scenes and against you, you don't have much time for anything else than flailing about randomly and aggressively. That mindset is addictive.

The mindset is addictive without doubt. Some people upon finding holes in one official story, be it JFK or whatever, then think that everything they are told is a lie. The truth is way more complex than that but some folks just can't grasp that fact and retreat in to this mindset that everything is arranged against us by 'them'.

To my mind this shows a combination of fear and genuine lack of understanding of how things work. Refusing to believe anything you're told is as ridiculous as believing everything you're told. It's all well and good if you want to be a raving nut who won't listen to sound advice but when you start involving your kids and other people's kids in it, thats when it gets dangerous.

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

And what medical degree does Ricky Bobby have?

Eisenstein stresses his observations are not scientific.

Aside from constantly quoting non-mainstream media (because you have to be a fool to believe the MSM and the non-MSM certainly never gets it wrong or has ulterior motives), what peer-reviewed evidence does he cite? Oh, some study that says since two unrelated communities didn't get vaccinated, they don't have autism? That's like saying since the Amish and Chicago schoolchildren didn't get vaccinated, they've never been raped by cattle. Go ahead and prove me wrong on this. Find an Amish kid and Chicago kid who haven't gotten a vaccine. I bet they haven't been raped by a bull. Must be because they didn't get the vaccine.

Typical Ricky Bobby post. Find tangential evidence and leap to a conclusion. You work in half truths like Dali did with oil paint.

"In no way would I be an advocate to stand up and say we need to look at vaccines, because I don't have the science to say that," Schattauer said. "But I don't think the science is there to say that it's not."

At best, you can say the link between vaccines (some, particularly mercury-based ones) and autism needs to be rigorously studied. But it is way too early to draw conclusions, unless you are an idiot like Michael Savage, who denies autism is real.

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

Rick Reuben wrote:
Yngwie Einstein wrote:At best, you can say the link between vaccines (some, particularly mercury-based ones) and autism needs to be rigorously studied.
Except that you will only listen to research that is beholden to the medical establishment, so your blah blah blah about 'we must rigorously study' is about as serious as someone like Newberry's is.

Rick, what other establishment is going to test drugs, the society of sounds recordists?

I imagine that the U.S is similar to the U.K in that there is an independant body maintaining standards that drugs are developed against. If drugs companies had the ability to put stuff straight to market then we would have a problem.

That said, one catastrophic failure of the system did result in the release of Thalidomide onto the market.
gjhardwick wrote:shut up you massive baptist

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

So Rick, regarding vaccines, where do you think the real danger with them lies?

Is it possibly the vaccine itself which causes the problems, meaning either the weakened or dead virus or bacteria in the vaccine, which is causing the problem? It seems to me this possible aspect is offset by the fact that many many people are not getting full blown cases of the illnesses, which can cause many more problems, and deaths, than wekened or dead strains could ever cause.

Is it the chemical preservatives in the vaccine causing the problem? could this be offset by switching to different types of preservatives?

Is it a matter of children getting so many different vaccines in a relatively short amount of time that is causing the problem? Meaning, is the child's immune system getting over stimulated, causing the problem? Could this be offset by spacing vaccinations out over a longer period of time?

A combination of one or the other, or all three?

Do you think that vaccinations are never worth the potential risk, versus the potentially devastating effects some of these diseases can have?
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The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

Rick Reuben wrote:Probably the biggest obstacle in the way of getting to the truth about vaccines is clowns.

Yeah. I mean, fuck all that rational science bullshit. It's people who disagree with me that are the real problem.

Rick Reuben wrote:All I know is that only listening to scientists and doctors who echo only the corporate/government line on vaccines is probably risky.

Nothing like that good old hick 'gut feeling' to solve those modern complicated issues, huh?

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

Rick Reuben wrote:This is how you know you're talking to a Clown about vaccines:

Clown: I vaccinate my kids.

Thinker: They're your kids. It's your right.

Clown: How are your kids doing on the vaccination schedule?

Thinker: We're taking a look at each one and then deciding.

Clown: I hate you. You think differently from me. Give me your kids. I'll decide what to do with them.

So... you've got kids, have you?

The Link Between Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccines

Josef K wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote:
Yngwie Einstein wrote:At best, you can say the link between vaccines (some, particularly mercury-based ones) and autism needs to be rigorously studied.
Except that you will only listen to research that is beholden to the medical establishment, so your blah blah blah about 'we must rigorously study' is about as serious as someone like Newberry's is.

Rick, what other establishment is going to test drugs, the society of sounds recordists?

I imagine that the U.S is similar to the U.K in that there is an independant body maintaining standards that drugs are developed against. If drugs companies had the ability to put stuff straight to market then we would have a problem.

That said, one catastrophic failure of the system did result in the release of Thalidomide onto the market.

Thalidomide is being used again to treat a few different diseases, under very strict circumstances. Leprosy is one instance where it is being used. Also, Behcet's Syndrome.
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