Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

i might read it when it's finished. i like this
Your friends must have argued that you were making a statement at the expense of your interests...

Oh come on. There's no difference. It's like choosing the nicer slaveowner. The nicer master. Basically, this kind of so-called choice -- it just fools people. Keeps 'em in the system. Like Clinton -- you know, in a way, Clinton was a more effective right-winger than Bush. He never got any flak from the Democrats for the stuff he was doing, because...

Because he was a Democrat!

Yeah. Like, the Democrats are all worked up because Bush wants to destroy Social Security, but they didn't say a word when Clinton threw all those people off welfare. So Bush does it and they yell, and Clinton does it and they don't.

What could get you out to vote for a Democrat? Anything? If Kerry had been really against the war, really convinced you...

[Long pause] Maybe. I'd be hard to convince. The Democrats have a long record, you know. But yeah, maybe. I mean, that's what people are gonna remember about '04 -- where you stood on the war.

Do you think the parties are becoming even more similar?

Oh sure. Ever since -- oh, since the end of the Vietnam war. The left just folded. They thought they'd won this great victory, and they stopped fighting, and pretty soon they lost everything they had won. Nobody had to pay any attention to 'em anymore, so the parties climbed right back into bed together.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:A lot of people on this forum should read this, with regard to voting for a third party.
That's good. I skimmed it, but I'll read more later. I wish all the chapters were on line.

Yeah, I wonder what is up with the missing chapters.

Regardless, you should check out the blog the above document is from. Good stuff.

Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.

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