Jello Biafra s speech @ The Last HOPE

Rick Reuben wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:"Cookie-cutter behavior" does not need to be "assigned."
You misunderstand. When persons assign the characteristic of 'abortion clinic bomber' or 'hater of gays' or 'anti-semite' to every Christian they see, and then start calling them 'Aryan Jesus freaks', such persons are making a prejudiced judgement against strangers, and assigning 'cookie-cutter behavior'.

I never defined all Christians in such a way. And even those who do are not "assigning behavior". Behavior is not something that can be "assigned". What you are talking about is prejudice and stereotyping.

When ERawk made that offhand joke about those kids on the el, she was talking about a specific group of cult members, not all Christians as a whole.

Jello Biafra s speech @ The Last HOPE

dontfeartheringo wrote:In Mr. Jello's case, it's that he's so irredeemably smug about it

This has always been the most objectionable part of Jello's personality. And I say this as someone who liked the DK's.

I remeber being at a party he was at once. It was virtually impossible to get a word in edgewise when he was talking, and if you didn't agree with his premise....jeez.
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