Let's Talk Baseball

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:cesb wrote:Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:cesb wrote:Harden and Zambrano are both hurt?Are you really registering surprise?Not even remotely, but thanks for the Rubensesque response.For Their Pleasure

Zambrano blew off his MRI yesterday.

The fuck.

Well, we'll make the playoffs. Hell, nobody else in NL seems to want to take it from us except the 'stros and Phillies...Brewers are tanking at the same time as we are.

So we're looking at a potential playoff roster of Dempster, Lilly, Marquis and Marshall. Harden could play if he doesn't have anything season-ending going on.

We still have a nice pen. We still have a scary line-up, if the bats show up.

Don't panic, don't panic.
Mike G.

Let's Talk Baseball

Last season the day the O's officially gave Dave Trembley the status of manager, the Rangers shelled them 30-3.
Today, they gave him an extension for 2009 with an option for 2010 and the A's are currently winning 11-2 having just scored 8 runs in the 8th.
4 runs walked in before a grand slam.
O's management needs to do that on an off day next time.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Let's Talk Baseball

cesb wrote:Zambrano blew off his MRI yesterday. The fuck.Well, we'll make the playoffs. Hell, nobody else in NL seems to want to take it from us except the 'stros and Phillies...Brewers are tanking at the same time as we are.So we're looking at a potential playoff roster of Dempster, Lilly, Marquis and Marshall. Harden could play if he doesn't have anything season-ending going on. We still have a nice pen. We still have a scary line-up, if the bats show up.Don't panic, don't panic.

Looks like he pried himself away from his computer long enough to finally get that MRI. They say he'll likely only miss one start and should be ready to go for the Houston series that starts in about 10 days.


Let's Talk Baseball

greg wrote:Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:600 people show up to Marlins - Braves game.Look at the highlights.They sold 11 thousand tickets. 600 people actually went to the game."I was way off,'' Marlins reliever Joe Nelson joked. "I had predicted 418.''

Maybe I'm no Amazing Kreskin, but I got my first save of the year.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Let's Talk Baseball

6-4-3 wrote:One less player to show up for tonight's Sox game. This is shitty news. I like this ballplayer and his story a lot.

Carlos Quentin, WTF? I didn't find out until I got to the park last night. A lot of players have got to step it up to replace that production. This would be a real good time for Paulie to go on a September power surge.

I had great seats--five rows straight back from where Jermaine Dye laid out for that catch. I got to see Junior in a Sox uniform for the first time. Unfortunately, Juan Uribe hits for more power than Junior these days. Still, it was a nice two-run single.

Let's Talk Baseball

For some unknown reason the Rays v. Red Sox game was not aired on any channel last night. Even though the listings said it would be covered by ESPN, we were treated to ESNPnews for three hours. Even though we have a Florida sports channel, there were multiple hours of fishing and Florida college football highlights instead. From what I have read I reckon it was a good game. I would have liked to have seen it. Stupid cable.


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