what're you buyin', what's on its way?

I got a Rusty Box on the way. Dying to get it. Other than that, nothing. I haven't bought an instrument since the Fender Jazz a while back, haven't bought an amp in forever, and can't even remember the last time I bought a pedal.

I keep looking at the schematic I made up for my own stomp box, and not buying the parts or assembling it. That's *kinda* on its way. Just need to take the time and make it happen.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

what're you buyin', what's on its way?

Sadly, nothing. The last thing I bought was a V-4B and I'm still rediscovering and enjoying it at the moment. I tried it for guitar through a Marshall 4x12, and now I'm seriously considering unloading my '81 JCM 800. When A/B-ed side by side, it makes the 800 sound completely weak, which is a bold statement. Maybe if/when that happens, I'll have the funds for something new and cool.

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