What Are You Thinking Right This Second?

Nina wrote:SecondEdition wrote:Holy Christ on a China PlateDo you say this phrase as well?

I don't believe so. I have been known to say "Christ on a plate," however. "Holy Christ on a China Plate" is fun to type and to think, but would probably be a little embarrassing to actually say.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

What Are You Thinking Right This Second?

Seeing the Ramones documentary for the second time & wondering, how & why the Stooges were hated during their time, this is going by what most of the Ramones & other musicians in the past have mentioned in their interviews. Somehow, only these people were the ones to 'get', The Stooges, while the rest seemed to be happy indulging their hippie musical preferences.

There's absolutely nothing dislikeable about "I Wanna Be Your Dog" & "Down On The Street". Even for people who dismiss anything atonal & non-melodious as garbage, these songs, amongst others in their catalog were two of the most catchiest rock songs ever.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

What Are You Thinking Right This Second?

I am thinking about the fact that there are people who go into 7-11 and they are on a first name basis with the woman who works there.
'Hey Judy, how ya doing?''Not too bad Steve, Camel lights?''Yep, and a coffee and a paper'

That's all fine and good, it's nice to know people and be friendly and all but how does this happen?

I mean, I have been going to this same 7-11 myself for about a year and a half now and it's never come up. There's no acknowledgement at all as to the fact we speak to each other every day. It's all business. I ask for my smokes and I pay and I leave.

At what point does one of the people say 'By the way, my name's Jim'

Does the woman working there do it first or does the customer?

I can never see myself doing that, or imagine anyone else doing that. I cannot imagine she gives a fuck or wants to chit chat, just like I do not give a fuck or want to chit chat.

It's just strange to me, I have never been in a 7-11 when someone introduced themselves to the clerk or vice versa. I have never seen it happen so when I see a customer and clerk chatting, I wonder how it got to be that way.

That's what I am thinking about.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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