
Total votes: 3 (18%)
Total votes: 14 (82%)
Total votes: 17

Band: Deerhunter Deerhunter

wes9 wrote:New album out today, "Microcastle." Only listened once so I haven't formed an opinion...pieces of it are really cool, others are not. Never understood how these guys got on Kranky. Not forming completes sentences today, apparently.

This album is good. Real good. Cryptograms was okay enough...a little too pretentious in spots, but Microcastle blows me away. Very melodic without sounding sappy or trite; interesting arrangements without resorting to uber-cerebral moves me, man. And the noise, that glorious, soaring noise. So good.

Can't wait to see them in a few weeks.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

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