Guitar question and drum questions.
1kick pedal...i don't know about changing the beater, but i know that DW5000 pedal is pretty killer when ya get it set right. plus it has a reversible beater, plastic or felt.i'd change the kick pedal.sorry about your guitar. finding the deadspot does ruin it to some degree. ever since first discovering the fender (bass) deadspot, i just avoid that middle C, or C# depending on the bass. my EGC didn't have a deadspot there, but on the 12th fret on the E string, and i had all these ghost notes on the A string from the 15th fret to the 17th, where it was like the note was doubled with the second note slightly out of tune.shit...hope busbus hasn't noticed these things or doesn't read this thread, or that those problems were just the effect of playing that bass while stoned all the time.anyways, to my knowledge, nothing you can really do about a deadspot. the fat finger moves it, some people claim a heavier bridge helps alleviate it, but there's no real cure. also, along with the fat finger you could put heavier tuners on the guitar. like those sperzel locking tuners. which should move it way, way up the neck.