What gear do you want right now...

gideon wrote:Benny what are you leaning more towards, the Jazzmaster or Jaguar?I DON'T KNOW I DONT KNOW.its killing me!i only played a jaguar.things i like about the jaguar:- i like all that chrome there.- i dig the short scalethings i might prefer about the jazzmaster- long scale might be more stable- i think that it's more versatile, overall.i considered also making a custom jazzguar (heh) with a short scale and jazzmaster pickups. we'll see.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

What gear do you want right now...

burun wrote:A guitar amp that's bigger than my Pro Junior.An EGC, but I have not decided what to ask Kevin to build for me. Until then, I would like a cheapo lefty Telecaster (not decided on a Custom or any of the other types...maybe a Thinline...)Oh, hai...one of the ones I sent you a snapshot of was $339.Mexi, but it already has a setup...
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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