What gear do you want right now...

Any large Fender combo amp would do me well. Though since flipping through the Craigslist/Ebay thread (or whichever one it was), I've kind of been fancying myself a Gibson Super Medalist.Guitar-wise, a TB500 or a 620 (or 620/12). And I've heard decent things about Eastwood guitars, so I wouldn't mind getting an Eastwood Messenger (only in greenburst!).

What gear do you want right now...

I've been lusting after a British tube PA like a Sound City or Simms Watts run into either 2 or 4 kustom tuck & roll column speakers. like the 4x10s or the 3x10s, preferably green sparkle. I think this would make an excellent power amp for unmic'd shows to run our keyboards and effected vocals through. I could probably make it work for bass too with my ts50 as a preamp. Also, anything nord or moog.

What gear do you want right now...

Really looking forward to getting my next EGC. Hopefully January. Maybe February? Dunno yet.Amps-wise, only thing I want is an AC30, and I don't want one bad enough to spend the money to get one.Instruments-wise, don't really want anything after the new EGC.The only two things I really want are an amp and a pedal that I've already designed (almost completely), but haven't bought parts for or built. Hopefully that'll be something I get done early next year as well.Very satisfied with the gear. Nice place to be.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

What gear do you want right now...

A decent setup...currently the culprits are - custom strat (stratoblaster setup)epiphone g400 (modded to have great pickups)musicman hd-130 2*12 ampmxr distortion+ (vintage)electro-harmonix polychorusboss dm-2 analog delayhey, when you've got a tele and a vox pathfinder you dream. and even that setup sounds decent for what it is.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

What gear do you want right now...

The only thing I'm still seriously lusting after that I don't own and probably never will with prices as they are is an early 70's SVT or a Sunn 300T.On the I want these but it won't break my heart if I never get them side:-Does/can EGC make a Precision Bass style body with an aluminum neck? That would be nice. No other body style feels right to me for bass.-Silvertone 1484 w/matching 2x12 cab.-Fender Super Reverb-I've also always wanted a black Les Paul Custom that doesn't have gold hardware, though I'm happy enough with my '75 Deluxe not to worry about it too much.

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