
busbus wrote:amelia wrote:busbus wrote:amelia wrote:Do not ever leave your daughter alone with males, I don't care who they are. Yikes, that's a fairly wide brush stroke. Seriously?Until she is old enough to understand what is right and wrong in that dept.Are you talking about the little girl initiating contact that may be viewed as inappropriate? Like in Lemur's post that one day where his cousin's kid planted her face in his crotch and said, "I'm going to eat you" and Lemur jokingly mumbles out loud something like, "finally, I'm going to get some action?" If that is where you are going, then sure I agree to a point. Surely, there will be some freaks who would bite, yet Lemur and the rest of us don't want to get included in your idea of guilt before innocence.THAT WAS NOT MY STORY
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.


JMoffitt wrote:Best advice:-Make sure the baby has health insurance. Babies and toddlers get sick often and some ailments are far more severe to youngens than older kids. No excuses for this one.-From an early age, put your babies to bed while they're awake. Let them teach themselves how go to sleep without being held. This is crucial.-Learn to live with interrupted sleep patterns. -Build a llloooonnnnnggg list of possible babysitters. Having multiple fall-backs will greatly improve your quality of life.+1. Except the babysitters. At least now after reading this thread.The sleep thing is very true for my wife and I with our two kids. Teaching the kids how to fall asleep by themselves is giving them a gift that will help them in life. Seems simple. It's not.

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world of pee wrote:not to derail the thread, but i might be flying to oakland for a week with wife and 4-month the hell do we do this? what can we actually take on the plane? someone can loan us a car there but can we rent a car seat? should we just forget about car?we can't take stroller on plane i don't think...there's no direct flights to oakland but i heard the bart takes like 2+ hours to get from sf airport to the place... i would pay for a pricey cab but cab has no car seat. is carrying baby in baby-sling totally unsafe for cab ride? would cab be insane, like $200?Well, I am a male, so therefore untrustworthy, but here goes:You buy a plane ticket for you and your wife. A 4 month old may need to be in a separate seat, maybe not, ask the airline. The rules keep changing. If so, then bring your own car seat and strap it into the airplane seat. Bring diapers. The stroller you will check at the gate - you bring it down the jetway, and then take the kid out, they throw it in the baggage hold, and then they bring it back up so it is wating in the jetway when you get off the plane. I have rented car seats from hertz, etc, when I rented a car. I don't know if you can rent just a car seat without renting a car. Maybe you should just bring one? If the kid is not going to ride in his/her own airplane seat, then check the car seat as baggage. Local bay area transport is not my forte - so I can't answer those questions. I took my kids on NYC busses, trains and cabs without car seats. People do it every day. Chill out dude, its just a baby, not a nuclear weapon.


amelia wrote:.Contrasts: Admitted Molesters vs. All American Men Admitted Child Molesters American Men Married or formerly married 77% 73% Some College 46% 49% High School only 30% 32% Working 69% 64% Religious 93% 93% Sources: The Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study and the 1999 U.S. Census Statistical AbstractNote: All people in both groups were at least 25 years old.Can you please explain this data? I don't understand it, maybe it is a function of the formatting, or something. 77% of Admitted Child Molesters are married? 73% of American Men are married? Am I reading these right? What exactly does this show? Does this tell us anything at all about how likely it is that an individual is a Child Molester? I think not.


amelia wrote:The Code is Almighty wrote:amelia wrote:Uh, you have just made up a bunch of things that I didn't say. Let me repeat. Do not leave your little girl ALONE with males. That is all I said. Take it or leave it.Are you including the father in this?Nope.Then I'd say that not only do I disagree with you, your logic is also a bit flawed.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

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