Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

John George Peppers wrote:I just told you I'm at a game a week... at Cubs bars after the game and I have never heard anyone make a racist comment. Not a one. +1 I can't remember ever hearing a racist comment at Wrigley Field. I sometimes have issues with some of the backward-turned-ballcap / fratboy fans that are there - but I would never accuse them of being racist.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

John George Peppers wrote:No.Milton Bradley hasn't done shit this year, so the fans boo. He has one of the highest salaries with the Cubs organization and he has not produced the numbers that the club is paying for him to produce. On top of which, he has made racist comments in the past. If anyone is racist it's him! Bottom line:He has had a terrible season and the fans are not happy with him. Rather than man up and admit he has not produced this year, he is calling cubs fans racist. Thread Closed.he claims he has heard racist taunts. you talk that down on the basis that he himself "has made racist comments in the past."this is an ad hominem argument. if i'm a murderer, and i say that "murder is wrong," you can try to discredit me as a hypocrite, but that doesn't change the fact that i offered a true statement (i.e., that murder is wrong). (band) (i make beats for that dude)

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

Minotaur029 wrote:[T]he difference between the two baseball cultures, from the fans to the management, is night and day. With respect to the management all I can cite right now is what Bradley R. Montelbianco once laid on the lot of us regarding the subject (to paraphrase):King BRW Approximately wrote:Unlike the Cubs, there was always a feeling that the White Sox were getting better and improving their club.Tim Midgett originally said this thing, but I almost assuredly repeated his insightful comment at some point.I steal more material than David Pajo.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

doctor\_chumley wrote:The only thing that bites me about sox fans is when the cubs are brought up in a bad light when there is no reason to talk about them.It might "bite" you, but some Sox fans just perfectly hate the Cubs and their fans and enjoy expressing that fact. I'm part of this beautiful group. You see, it's ridiculous to me that the Cubs draw the attention that they do. It's ridiculous to me that we continue to hear about "these great fans" and all the stupid prattle that surrounds Cubdom when it's just amateur hour over there. Therefore, it feels nice and funny to piss on you losers, even without provocation.So this is how it goes:"Jesus. Darfur. How can the world allow this tragedy to continue?""Yeah, I hope that Zambrano takes a screamer in the boys tonight."Soriano just dropped a ball in shallow left, and my petty, bitter Sox heart lifted a little.Hey, Cubs fans! Go fuck yourselves!

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

Well I guess if racism in sports were the title of this thread I might think differently. But are cubs fans racists, which implies that all cubs fans are racists, does roll of the tongue a little faster, more views, more pages. It has been a long day for me. I would have replied racism in sports is bad, just like in society. I don't mean any ill will. I thought it was a loaded question because I am a fan of cubs baseball. I knew Peppers was going to be one of a few folks on here saying no, an overwheming number of cubs fans are not racist and I wanted him to feel Safe, Man.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

I am against booing for your home team. It makes no sense. Especially prior to an at-bat. Unfortunately for wrigley field, I'm going to assume about 40% of the people there it is their one game of the year they attend. Minotaur, thank you for your real cub fan appreciation. I would have to say that sox fans have a meathead contingent to it as well, which gives these two team's fans great ammunition to dislike each other. Anyways, Milton Bradley. Another two years will be brutal.Um, I think we should make the statement that everyone's team's fans are total meatheads.

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