Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

Well put. I'd have to agree with BRW's statement, except when Hawk Harrelson was their GM. Wow was he awful. I've have way too many thoughts as to why I am a cubs fan, but I have at least one that contributed to me not being a sox fan. Cable television. The sox were on sportsvision (SportsVision!!) when I was a kid, and that led to not seeing any games on TV. Also, Andre Dawson. That guy was awesome. I don't dislike the sox either. We in Chicago are able to see every player in baseball all season long. Want to go see Lincecum or Halladay pitch? You have that option. I went to comiskey on a half price Monday to see Pedro pitch awhile back, & saw that great at bat against Frank Thomas that someone on here (who unfortunately I can't remember) described so greatly in another thread. I dig Beckham. Yes, the cubs farm is trash. The only thing that bites me about sox fans is when the cubs are brought up in a bad light when there is no reason to talk about them. When the bears are playing a game that is not against green bay, they are not coming up in the conversation. As in, enjoy your own team & game instead of talking about how cubs fans suck, are fags, don't know anything about the game,etc. while your team is playing an important series against the devil rays last year. Enjoy your team. Also, John Danks is no longer pitching, but you can keep cheering for him to throw strikes. I also think that doing the wave in the eighth while the sox are down one run is asinine, but I could just say doing the wave is asinine. I am clearly rambling, but I think it boils down to this, again. Your (as in everyone's) team's fan base of meatheads, are in fact, meatheads. I amseroi

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

I would have to say Cubs fans are pretty average in the realm of major league baseball as far as racism goes. Not to be flippant about it at all. I haven't heard any type of racist statement in any game I've been to as an adult at wrigley(around 15 a year), then again I haven't been in the bleachers since around 2001. I don't think I've really heard any at comiskey as an adult, either (about 5 games a year)When you don't produce some catcalls will be thrown your way. Unfortunately for Milton/other players/society etc., some folks aren't very clever and/or racist.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

John George Peppers wrote:Something I forgot to repost in my original comment. This is the kind of story that all the fans who normally hate the Cubs organization will rally behind whether it is true or not. Big thanks to DrAwkward for reminding me to post that.HA!Hey man, you may be one of the good Cubs fans (which is sort of like saying there's such a thing as an acceptable Bears fan, but that's neither here nor there), but you have to admit that there's a huge meathead contingent among your team's fan base. Hell, i don't apologize for racist Packers fans (and they do exist).

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Are Cubs fans racist? Cubs fans?

doctor\_chumley wrote:Jeremy B-Look at what you titled this thread, and then try to make your arguments. I would remain a lurker for the most part if I wasn't asked if I was a racist. Do not try make whatever point it is you are trying to make and say it is not about Cubs fans when that is the title for your thread. - Christopher W.Chris you are right. It was wrong to ask the opinion of the board in the form of the question "Are Cubs fans racist?" and referred to an article regarding that very topic. I shouldn't have solicited others opinions on the topic and the article, I should have just titled the topic "Cubs fans are racist." Noted for my next thread "Stone Roses fans are closet cases."-Jeremy
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Oof. This sentence is terrible.

As in Dale Jr.'s English Language Handbook terrible.

God, we're all fucked.

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