I smoked +/- 1 pack a day for 15 years before I quit.According to the QuitMeter I downloaded the day before I stopped smoking, I have been smoke-free for 4m 2w 3d 2h and 18m. I have saved $1,309 by not smoking the 2901 cigarettes that I would've had I not quit. These are impressive numbers and it helps to check them from time to time, whenever I begin to doubt that smoking cessation is a good thing.I used the patch to quit, with some nicotine gum supplements. Ran through a few giant bags of Brach's Starlight Mints in the first few weeks. I was a total bitch the first few days, and pretty much completely unable to enjoy the PRF BBQ, as all I wanted to do was smoke, drink, watch a rock band indoors simultaneously. I couldn't hang around friends Randall and Bradley Weissenberger, as those two are pretty much walking Marlboro ads, and few people make smoking look so damn enjoyable. But I made it and, so far, have stayed quit. Had a few moments of panic 6 weeks into it when I kicked the patch, but since then I've been okay. I'm certainly much more fun to fly with.I don't reflexively want a cigarette with coffee or alchohol anymore, though I still have the urge to smoke after a satisfying meal.I sometimes dream about smoking a cigarette, and I wake up ashamed, then relieved that haven't actually started smoking again. I do not want to smoke anymore. Good luck to all in this endeavor.


polyfoam wrote:coach wrote:In, I'm on day three. I'm keeping one cigarette with me at all times -- that way I don't have that crazy longing that makes me want to go buy a pack. I can just let the jones fade and beat it one nic-fit at a time. It's working awesomely so far.That's an awesome idea. I may try that.I'm in as well.Jonah, kick its ass!If I had that smoke on me during the first few days, I for sure would've smoked it. And once I smoked it after I quit, I would've seen little reason to not buy a pack and try it again. And again. Until I was smoking whole packs. EDIT: Nicotine patches are all spoken for.


I'm just wondering what kind of stuff I'm going to get up to to fill that downtime. I just cut my fringe to within an inch of my hairline. Hopefully I will move on to more productive things like baking bread again or doing actual uni work. I've begun reading for pleasure mind, which is very nice.I had 2 puff today and wasn't interested. This is progress.Bearing all this in mind however, I will not be leaving the house all weekend. Hallo-what?Glad of the support!
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".


Two tactics an old boss of mine used:Ashtray filled with butts and water, which he would periodically lift to his nose and inhale deeply of. Gaaah.Paper clip on a rubber band around his wrist, which he would snap on the ulnar bone when cravings hit.He quit for good after about a month of this. Hadn't backslid any when I left his employ a few years later.Good luck to all of you.

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