post videos of your band on youtube

Here are all the vids of U.S.o.T currently on the youtubes. There are a few w/ Chad (Houndrunner/ Colony of Watts) on drumsBefore he departed for the left coast. And also a few w/ our new(ish) drummer Jason... and a few from the Melt-Banana show as well...The Concept of the Urban GuerillaOverturning the Rumford Fair Housing Act"The Collapse of Communism" and "State-Sponsored Terrorism"

post videos of your band on youtube

83 What turned out to be our final gig last June. We had something like seventy people packed into this tiny ass bar. Sold a lot of tickets, were getting covered by the local College kids a lot, about to finish debut record. Things were looking up. Ten days after this the drummer disappeared and the bassist stole all of our equipment.

post videos of your band on youtube

Frank Decent wrote:yaledelay wrote:My new band - Death Dream ... re=relatedEnjoyable.1st and 2nd show enjoyable is all we can hope for...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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