Everyday Confessions

ubercat wrote:I find Sheryl Crow attractive.Jesus of Christ!Now that's a confession!She-Ra Crow has that late-life mommy, gym-addicted, for-Christ's-sake-how's-about-something-besides-a-radish-for-dinner? physique that makes me gag. It's simultaneous emaciation (neck through torso) and buffness (arms) -- often combined with retardedly oversized sunglasses. It's a harsh, severely unattractive look, especially those neck tentlines.And she has The Stink Of Armstrong on her.Yucky!

Everyday Confessions

I was stuck behind a Toyota Prius this morning on the way to work. It was some older person with very nice, well-meaning liberal bumper stickers pasted all over the back of the car.They were doing 35 in the 45 zone and it was making me crazy.I found myself wishing their accelerator would stick.Hell awaits me.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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