UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

I was talking to some people who are switching from NuLab to BNP yesterday. One imagines, when the papers etc are in full BNP-related rhetoric-mode that in reality this stuff simply doesn't happen, so there ya go!Still, at least we have a few weeks of enthralling exchanges of exciting, original, challenging ideas ahead of us as the nation's imagination is held captive by the inspiring pinnacles of integrity we're fortunate enough to call our masters...*votes BNP*

UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Ptommydski wrote:We're fucked.I confess I'm still somewhat angry about a lot of the things that happened under New Labour but the idea of Cameron and his set of cunts being in charge of a country makes me want to breathe fire. I'll vote Green (again) but I'm wary of being semi-culpable in a Tory victory this time around.Vote for the next likely seat if you don't want the Tories in power, I'm doing the same. It's a slightly perverse democracy where my vote isn't about handing someone I believe in power, but a tactical move to keep power away from someone I don't want having any. But yeah, fuck Cameron.

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