UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Model Citizen wrote:Rotten Tanx wrote:So, since it has to be one of the three, do we want the Lib Dems to win?Hell yeah, got to be better than the alternatives.That's what they all say.Seriously, though, speaking as an armchair observer from a different country - I hope the Liberal Democrats win, if only for four reasons: 1) They're not Cameron or Brown. (Speaking of Brown, nice job on that headline, asshats - every time I think the American press is bad, I take a look at the British press and feel... well, not better, per se, but very slightly reassured.)2) They haven't won since...1910 or so, right?3) Considering how much of a bang-up job Labour has done since 1997 at upholding genuine left-wing politics and running the British government, any other party that's remotely left might do a better one. and 4) They seem to be very environmentalist, which is a big, big plus with me.Go Lib Dems! know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

re: Expanding the deficit. I read this argument from guys like Richard Seymour but I'm not convinced. I just seems to run counter-intuitive to the idea of proper housekeeping. How is it not laying the burden on future generations? How is it not laying the burden on the working class in case of an IMF intervention? I can see the advantages, but can we harbor illusions about who will be footing the bill under the current political conglomerate? That jazz.

UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Something tells me BNP are going to be win this poll.simmo wrote:PS, what has happened to the news?As much as I approve of slow motion videos of moody teenagers throwing eggs at David Cameron'n'all, just look at this!Slow motion!Austere photographs with the caption "The Remnants Of The Egg"!Austere quotes from Gordon Brown!Horrendous newsreader puns!STOP. THIS. NOW.It's for the same reason we have Burger King, KFC and McDonalds over here. Sky News was having all the fun and the BBC were feeling jealous (read: grey and British).

UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

they're all opportunist scum especially the Liberal Party. oh the joys of relatively radical rhetoric when actual power is a long shot. they all want cuts, they all want to victimise immigrants, they all prioritise business over workers' rights.but. a $50 million but -the Tories are unashamedly pro-capitalist fucks.Labour are still a bourgeois workers party i.e. the membership is composed largely of working class people and it has real ties to the labour movement through the unions. as a result it vacillates policywise depending on where the centre of gravity lies - for the moment the neoliberals have the upper hand. this can and will change in response to future events.victory for the Tories will be a disaster for every left-leaning person in the UK. victory for the Liberals will prove them to be as bankrupt as the other two in terms of practical politics. victory for Labour is the least harmful result for those trying to kick the labour movement (note the small L) into action.the only proviso i would add is in seats where genuine socialist candidates are standing. elections aren't the be all and end all of politics and can be used as a platform for socialist politics. in that case, like in the Euro elections, i would vote socialist as a protest.sorry to get all SWP on you but hey, i'm a member of the SWP. what do you expect?
As a youth I used to weep in butcher's shops

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