the song/lyric in your head right now

This song has been stuck in my head all last night and this morning:You can listen to the whole record right here. If you want to hear this song in particular, it's called Cure For AIDS.You are going to die. Your parents, your children They're all going to die. Slow, painful With a methadone drip Ain't no Trojan I know Don't change nothing at all.Not some latex, Not some cocktail of pills. No T-cells. No Magic, No hospital bills. A cure ain't a cure if a cure don't change nothing at all. You're still going to die. Cause death is still waiting. Death ain't got nothing but time. No bloodwork, No serum Will keep you alive. So stop waiting. Stop wasting your time.Fuck bareback. Fuck till you choke on your Life ain't worth living if all that you want is a Cure ain't a cure if a cure don't change nothing at All of my life double knotted by fear. And sometimes this fear is what keeps me here. I want to live a life drenched in the rain. No umbrella, No condom, And no vaccine. I want to live a life drenched in the rain. I'd rather die young than die young at heart.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

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