Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

numberthirty wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Daffodil Column wrote:Exactly, so maybe caliling those girls stupid wasn't very generous. They're younger than you, not as experienced, and probably pissed off for a good reason.Even at 5 years old if you do not know not to fight with police officers you are plain stupid, sorry.It would be akin to watching two teenagers climb into a tiger cage and yell at and slap the tiger. Would you not say 'that's pretty stupid'? Dude has a fucking GUN.Once during a field sobriety test, a cop said to me It's obvious you haven't been drinking but, you seem kind of nervous.I pointed out that we were alone by the side of the road at night and, he was in packing at least one firearm.He got a pretty good laugh out of that.As for the woman in the video: If you have to punch a cop, don't just stand there after you throw the punch. Cover up or run.The part I found the most odd was that shoving the cop seemed like a good way to help out her friend. I can't see shoving a cop doing anything except making your friend's bad situation even worse.That is all I am saying, they both could have easily been killed. They could have been killed and it would have been ruled 'justified' very quickly. So for dude to say I am a meanie or jerk for calling them 'stupid' when they both stupidly put their lives in extreme danger, don't get it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

Marsupialized wrote:Daffodil Column wrote:Exactly, so maybe caliling those girls "stupid" wasn't very generous. They're younger than you, not as experienced, and probably pissed off for a good reason.Even at 5 years old if you do not know not to fight with police officers you are plain stupid, sorry.It would be akin to watching two teenagers climb into a tiger cage and yell at and slap the tiger. Would you not say 'that's pretty stupid'? Dude has a fucking GUN.Once during a field sobriety test, a cop said to me "It's obvious you haven't been drinking but, you seem kind of nervous."I pointed out that we were alone by the side of the road at night and, he was in packing at least one firearm.He got a pretty good laugh out of that.As for the woman in the video: If you have to punch a cop, don't just stand there after you throw the punch. Cover up or run.The part I found the most odd was that shoving the cop seemed like a good way to help out her friend. I can't see shoving a cop doing anything except making your friend's bad situation even worse.

Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

Buttcakefred wrote: video shows a search warrant served by the Columbia Mo. police department. The cops bust in this guys house in the middle of the night and shoot his two dogs (one a pit bull that was caged in the kitchen and the other a Corgi)More fun with cops and dogs.LaGrange, Missouri cops kill a dog based on a neighbor complaint.Part I where the cops approach, the dog is not jumping or barking, it is wagging it's tail. The cops actually petting the dog.Part II (warning, this is where the dog gets shot) fucking dipshit cop only wounds the dog with the first shot, then STARES AT IT for :45 seconds leaving it to suffer before turning to the other cop who likely told the first fuckball cop to put it out of it's misery with the second shot.
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