by buzzsaw_Archive
Hello- I have a plan that will guarantee that you lose weight. The closer you follow this plan, the faster that you will lose weight. I have never seen this fail. People may fail at this plan but the plan always works. 1- No fast food. If you must eat it, make it a last resort and hit up the sandwich shops, Subway, etc. Skip the chips, dummy! You are on a diet! 2- No soda. No diet soda. No energy drinks. Gatorade has almost as much sugar as all of these. If you need caffeine, drink black coffee or unsweetened tea. The fake sugars are terrible also. 3- Examine your labels for high fructose corn syrup. Avoid as much as possible. THE SHIT IS IN EVERYTHING. Do the best that you can. 4- No alcohol during the week. Friday and Saturday you can jam down all the beers that you can because Monday's coming and shit is gonna get tough.... 5- Drink a lot of water. There are recommendations on the internet. I bet you don t drink enough! 6- Run. The more you run the faster this works. If you are a bad runner or have injuries take it slow and work up into it. Walk 2 miles every other day. Build your walk into a gentle trot. MOST PEOPLE HATE RUNNING. It gets easier. All the walking/jogging will help stretch your ankles and knees out and strengthen your joints enough where some of your initial aches and pains will diminish. There are a lot of people who don t run and use pain as an excuse. If you have DIAGNOSED knee, ankle, or back injuries, run on an elliptical or a cross training machine. Those have no impact on your joints. I saw a guy in my gym who weighed 300+ jog the treadmill every day. He would run until the meter showed that he burned 500 calories (not that the machine is super accurate) but he busted his ass and lost weight at a tremendous rate. First he would go slow and it would take him over an hour, then he ran harder and he could get it done in half the time. 7- Do 40 pushups a night. For some of you, this will be very difficult at first. Do them in as many set as you need to. Someday you should be able to do 40 in a row with ease. When you get to this point, it should take less than a minute. It makes you think back to when it took a half hour to do 40 ¦.The plan above requires a lifestyle change. It is something that I adapted a little at a time. It is pretty jarring to do it all at once. I started by making the changes in order that I have listed. Once you start feeling better, your body will thank you by giving you more energy and the more energy will help you go further. The smokers usually feel better and their smoking usually decreases without trying. This usually leads to thoughts of quitting, sometimes with success!