You fat bastard.

Thank you Ringo/Patrick. I am so in. Let me tell you kiddies, if you keep up your habits from your 20s and early 30s into your late 30s and early 40s, you're gonna have a problem. I am 6 feet tall, and at my fittest (in my late 20s) I was about 185. In April or May I got on the scale and weighed 232 pounds. My pants were all too tight, my shirt collars could not be buttoned. Gross. I did a motorcycle track day in June. My leathers were so tight I had trouble breathing. After two sessions, my legs were toast. I was smoking like a brush fire, and out of breath and aching by lunchtime. It sucked, and I basically wasted $175. Since then I have been on halting effort to improve. First it was a weight watchers style calorie counting program. That worked for a few weeks. I lost about 7 pounds, but I was tired a lot, and feeling stressed out. I did learn how to stop snacking during the day, and how to avoid eating big lunches or big dinners. These things are helpful. Got down to 225, but stuck there.Then I started working out - 35-40 minutes on the elliptical machine, followed by 15-20 minutes of free weights and crunches. I stopped smoking. Cold turkey. Just don't do it anymore. And I re-discovered my bicycle. I went out for a ride on a sunday afternoon, and it was glorious. I figured out an 11.2 mile loop from my house through nearby farm roads. There are various side roads I can take to make it 14.3 miles or 18 miles, depending on the time I have avaiable. If I get out the door by 6am, I am home by 7am, and i can get ready for work normally. So now, my routine is biking 3-4 days per week, elliptical and weights on off days or rain days. I occasionally swim 500 yards when I can get to the pool. I have modified my diet - one piece of dry toast and yogurt for breakfast. Some days no breakfast at all. All the black decaf coffee I want. Lunch is a small sandwich, plus yogurt and water. Lots of water during the day. No snacking. Dinner is a normal dinner - plate of pasta, two pizza slices, italian sausage, two hot dogs, whatever. No second helpings. No "just finish it off". Maybe a Coors Lite or two.38 miles of bicycling last week (second full week of effort) spread over 3 days. Going for 50 this week. I am down to 218 as of last weekend. I hope to get to 200 by my birthday (November). Then the challenge will be to maintain. Tough, given the winter weather and my bicyling. I will just have to switch to the rollers. Courage! and just keep going. thanks for letting me share.

You fat bastard.

I'm in, but I started about four months ago.February 2010 - me: 37 years old. 5'11" wearing a size 38 pants, sometimes a 40. Starting to look like Jim DeRogatis. 240 Lbs. triple chin action. Big fat mid section, like a barrel of flabby butter. Skinny legs but no muscle. Cholesterol is at an all time high of 269Today:215 Lbs. Rode my bike 145 miles this past weekend. Burned 2750 calories on one ride with no stop longer than 3 minutes. I have Legs and buns of steel. Still have the barrel mid section, but there's muscle underneath. I'm comfortably fitting into size 36 pants. Sometimes I can slide into 34's. Just got my lab test results back, Cholesterol is down to 220. I'm in...Also. I have a really fucking awful commute. Like the WORST. I decided to make the best of a bad situation and involve cycling in my commute. As some of you know from the other posts I have on here, I bought a Brompton folding bike. I ride it to the train station from my house (3 miles) then train in. Then I ride from the train station to work (4.5 miles). Once at work, I do stretches, push ups, some nautilus weights and some sit up type things. Then I hop in the shower. I guess I am lucky there's a shower and a free gym @ work. On my way home from work, I do the same thing but in reverse order.I also have had success front loading my calories. Big breakfast, moderate size lunch and tiny ass dinner. I've pretty much given up on fried foods, although I will submit to them from time to time, but in moderation. Sodas are out of the question. I make a pot of unsweetened iced tea at work and gulp on that all day long. Don't but froo froo coffee drinks. Limit your sugar in your coffee to a simple dash of agave syrup. Cut out any and all CORN SYRUP. Load up on fresh veggies and fruit. Cookies and cakes and shit are out of the question. Unless I can have just one. Then I make a note of it and I have to burn it off that day.I really like Alton Brown's lifestyle change idea that I saw on one of his shows. Do not eat foods every day that have empty calories. Try and limit your beer and alcohol intake (has not worked for me, but I am at least moderate in my abuse..). Get some exercise every day, and really bust ass at least three days a week. Make exercise part of your routine. Joining a gym didn't work for me. It was too much of an ordeal. It was not part of my schedule or routine. The gym at work pans out fine for me, because I have to go down there anyway to take a shower. If there's a line of people waiting to take showers, I lift weights and stretch. Avocados and brown rice are great staples. I am not afraid of fat as long as it is good fat. Smoothies that you make at home are fantastic. I never put sugary shit in them. Also, cheese is really tasty, but I eat it in total moderation.White rice is useless. Go for the brown stuff.Pizza tastes hellishly yummy, but it'll ruin your progress if you eat it like you did in college.Pasta is fine, but eat a SINGLE PORTION not enough for an entire army.Make your own spaghetti sauce.Processed foods are pretty much evil. My problem is still portions of food. I cannot feel satiated eating a little bit.

You fat bastard.

I'm in. The last 5 months of searching for, negotiating, buying and now maintaining a house completely destroyed the gym routine I had going last year. Luckily, the junk food and beer haven't gotten too out of control, but I can tell the lack of regular cardio has made me more tired during the day, and unable to sleep easily at night. Also been feeling more uptight. I hit the elliptical last week for just 30 minutes and felt awesome (Thank you High on Fire for the best exercise soundtrack a fellow could ask for). Tonight, hitting the gym again before band practice. Shitchyeah. Let's do this.

You fat bastard.

I am in.I probably weigh twice as much as the next heaviest person on this board. Not going to tell you my weight, but I'm certain you would be shocked and disgusted by it. I'm embarrassed to go out in public.On the upside, my cholesterol and blood pressure are fine and I'm not diabetic or anything. I don't have any health problems yet, but I know it's coming.Anyway, I'm off of diet soda completely and am only drinking water now. Like 10+ glasses of water a day. This was a huge deal to me, as I've spent my whole life drinking one hell of a lot of diet soda. I'm eating next to no bread, flour, sugar, or carbohydrates of any kind. I need to get out and start doing cardio stuff again, but the excruciatingly hot summer temperatures and my current work schedule are huge deterrents, as is my chronic laziness. Have to get over that. Maybe join the Y or a gym so I can work out indoors.Anyway, I've dropped a little weight, but keep undermining myself by lapsing into eating garbage here and there. I want to get back into fighting shape, but I have a lot of work to do.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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