You fat bastard.

dontfeartheringo wrote:As Marsupialized has mentioned, we get to hang out with the most attractive women in the world. They're gonna be at the PRFBBQ2.5. You're gonna have to hold your head up while you're standing in line for the restroom with the smoking hot babes of the PRF. How are you even gonna talk to those girls?Those girls, they marry some of us, even. They come to our shows and they listen to our noisy records and they sleep next to us, and they never say anything, but you gotta wonder. O HAI! Imma breeze in an bang all ur broadz, fatstuff.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


You fat bastard.

Everything in Ringo's original post rings true for me.I've been running for about a month now, and I'm going to start working out again this week. I would like to say that this is in the name of maintaining mobility and strength right into my old age, but it's really only so that I can paint myself orange and walk around with my shirt off like some midget guidochav.

You fat bastard.

MrFood wrote:6 weeks of eating smaller, more frequent meals, drinking less beer and some sit ups in the morning and that will be gone. You got it easy.MrFood wrote:Sit-ups and push-ups, people. You need a bit of carpet and five minutes. That's all it takes.Yes and no. Sit ups - the bog standard up and down kind - work relatively well at working the muscles that sit under our kegs. I think you're basically working on pulling your stomach in rather than losing the fat that sits over it. That fat itself aint goin' nowhere until you get up off your arse and do some serious cardio (along with the some sensible dietary adjustments, as you mention).Shit. That makes me sound like a proper dick.

You fat bastard.

MrFood wrote:But a LOT in one go. He told me to knock that on the head and have lots of little meals. ONLY when I did that did the gooey topping disappear. Make of that what you will.You're bang on here and I'm not disputing that. It's standard practice when you're working out, and it's arguably the hardest thing to do. You're making a lifestyle change that has to be permanent, and some people struggle with that. I was able to keep it up for several years, and then, a switch in jobs/routine put me in a beer, fag and pizza tailspin. I went through a similar routine to yours, and I was only able to get rid of the excess blubber around my waist through eating smart and through regular, sustained cardio.

You fat bastard.

MrFood wrote:However, I eat like a smug, self-righteous Guardian-reading prick. I consider myself quite lucky in that I have absolutely no taste for bad food. If the trifecta of bacon, egg AND cheese makes it into one thing I'm eating, I actually get depressed. Chocolate depresses me, and just seeing people getting welded into a bag of Doritos upsets me. I still do it myself very rarely, but each mouthful is tempered with intense self-loathing.I'm no pyschowalletist, but were you once really fat and ugly?Seriously though, that's not a healthy relationship to have with food, because if you do lapse, you'll end up thrashing the living cock out of yourself over it. It's good to have the kind of attitude you have to healthy food, but equally, I reckon it's ultimately destructive to treat anything outside of that with such contempt too. I reckon you know all of this anyway.

You fat bastard.

MrFood wrote:Is this stuff ok or not? I drink about a bottle a week. I tell myself it's much better than coke or whatever, but still it's sugary syrup mixed with water. I can't work out how much is too much with this stuff...They're loaded with aspartame (the history of which makes for some interesting reading). Aspartame is an artificial sweetener. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar in typical concentrations, without the high energy value of sugar.[8] While aspartame, like other peptides, has a caloric value of 4 kilocalories (17 kilojoules) per gram, the quantity of aspartame needed to produce a sweet taste is so small that its caloric contribution is negligible

You fat bastard.

I've been depressed for about a week now, and have lost 4 lbs. Overall, I don't recommend depression as a dieting measure, but it does curb your appetite (this may vary from person to person, and in some cases may be the exact opposite.)I don't need to lose weight. Of course you could do this, which leads to this:...and of course, you remember how that turned out. South Bronx Paradise baby!

You fat bastard.

Weight related observation:Poor people are fatties.My closest friends and I are all the worst kinds of poor, and a quick look into our fridges reveals nothing but the cheapest, crappiest food that money can buy. I figure that everybody likes more or less the same things, doesn't matter how much money they have. I think a wealthier person's fridge would contain all the same types of food, just, more expensive versions of it. Cheaper food is more fattening. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me, it makes sense. The food is of a poorer quality so they pack it with salt and fat. I never realised that those mashed potatoes didn't taste of potatoes, but of salt and animal fat, and that amazes me. Because that is exactly what it tastes like.The trick to losing weight is finding food that tastes like cardboard, then seasoning it yourself! If it's tasty, it's probably fattening, so get out there and find the most tasteless food that you can afford, and get used to eating it!Or, you can eat fish instead of red meat and drink tea instead of coke. Small step, huge difference.

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