Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

bulletbennyc wrote:fedaykin13 wrote:I have one and love it.Unfortunately my keyboard player is running through it now because she wasn't loud enough at practice.I really want it back. I'd get another if I saw a good deal.I'm trying to remember my settings....At the BBQ, were you playing through the GK direct or through the Rusty Box? You had a pretty nice bass tone.I was going into the Rusty Box and that into the GK.I don't know how they had it set up - as a pre-amp or just a pedalI agree with Ben and Trad on the bi-amping.When I first got the head, the few things I read online said that was the way to gobut I hated it. Could never get what I was looking for until i stopped trying to use that function.
scott wrote:It was fun. We laughed, we cried, most of us shit ourselves as far as I know. What a world.

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

Trad wrote:benadrian wrote:I have a friend who used an 800 biamped with a 2-15 and 2-10 (Trad: it's Matt Chandler), and his tone always sounds really great.Not trying to dis bulletbennyc here as I haven't heard him play before, but this Matt Chandler you speak of, he was the Fred Erskine of Indianapolis.dude shreds.very impressed
scott wrote:It was fun. We laughed, we cried, most of us shit ourselves as far as I know. What a world.

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

Hey, hold on a minute.I like the biamping alot. We have a pretty flat EQ (a touch on the hi mids) and run the preamps pretty clean (cranking the power amps), with the hi boost on and everything else flat. We dime the low amp, set the hi amp to about 10 o'clock and put the crossover in about the same position. This gets run into a 4x10 and a 2x15. When you plug a bass into it, it sounds like farty shit. BUT, when you then put a preamp prior (used to use an Ampeg SVT, now a Rusty Box), it sounds good. My favorite thing about the 800 RB is that it amplifies sound well and is flexible enough doing so. Part of this reason is that it is built very well and doesn't really fail so long as you keep it cool.My least favorite thing about the 800 RB is that it will need to be racked if you're really going to take it on the road with you. Doing this right ends up costing about 1/2 as much as the used 800RB will. Ben A - I tell every sound person that they have to mic both cabinets. It helps that they don't have to worry about a drummer. I have had a bullshit problem with it exactly once, when we could hear through the monitors that the guy had set up two mics but was only running one. We stopped the show and I walked over to the bass rig. Then I positioned the working mic about 1/3 of the way between a 4x10 driver and one of the 2x15 drivers, about a foot or so off the cabinets. Went back to playing and our merch guy later claimed that it sounded as good as any night on the tour. Dude, just don't be a dick and set up another mic. = Justin

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

endofanera wrote:It's happened more times than I like to think about.Your point makes sense and I won't argue it, but we were not getting any bass because that mic was off. I should be clear for anyone who cares about it to note that it wasn't just the stage monitors that were indicated this to us. Main point was that you can probably come up with a 1 mic solution to a bi-amped cab setup that's still passable if you absolutely must.= Justin

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

How are the cleans on this thing? I love and couldn't get rid of my Traynor YBA-3 and Ampeg V-4, but I'd just like a cleaner, less compressed sound at higher volumes sometimes.Would running the line out of the Ampeg V-4b into the effects return of the GK give me that Ampeg sound without all the compression? I also have a Traynor TS-50b that I could use the 800rb with.

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

bulletbennyc wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Would running the line out of the Ampeg V-4b into the effects return of the GK give me that Ampeg sound without all the compression? I also have a Traynor TS-50b that I could use the 800rb with.A friend of mine destroyed his GK by running his V4b into the GK...although I'm not sure how he hooked it up.Provided that the V-4 was hooked up to a cab I don't see how this would mess anything up. The V-4 would be acting like the pre-amp and the GK800 would act as a power amp?

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

bulletbennyc wrote:fedaykin13 wrote:I have one and love it.Unfortunately my keyboard player is running through it now because she wasn't loud enough at practice.I really want it back. I'd get another if I saw a good deal.I'm trying to remember my settings....At the BBQ, were you playing through the GK direct or through the Rusty Box? You had a pretty nice bass tone.In Joe 4 we use it like this and the tone kicks serious as. In live plays it owns the stage and only into a single 1x15 Ampeg box. We love that amp.

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

benadrian wrote:Never EVER run that 8 ohm high section into a load less than 8 ohms. It will cook and the repair will cost more than the value of the amp.When I had one as my head, I used to run it biamped with a 1-15 and a 2-10. Then I got a 4-10, and running just the lows into the 1-15 and just the highs into the 4-10 was silly. So I began to run it mono with both cabs in the low section.I never could get a growly enough tone, so I usually ran a Sansamp GT-2 at all times.I'm with Ben on biamping the 800rb. When I had an 800rb, I tried the bi amp route into a 4x10 and 1x15. Man, was it hard to get that combination to sound good. This pedal, that pedal, no pedal, all pedals. This EQ band, that EQ band, no EQ, tons of EQ. It SUCKED. As soon as I switched back to dual mono and a relatively flat eq, I was happy again.I just don't think bi-amping helps get that mid rangey aluminum beardo tone at all, if that's what you're after.Unless you're trying to funk it up like Randy Jackson, I'd leave the biamping to Randy Jackson.

Gallien Krueger 800RB Discussion

Benny wrote:maybe we can talk about other GK amps. i'm planning on pulling the trigger on the 400rb.The 400rb, if it looks of the same era as the 800rb that bulletbennyc posted, merits further investigation. The 400RB amps are loud as fuck, just minus the fancy pants stuff and probable excessive power of the 800rb, for small clubs.

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