Weird guitar sounds

kerble wrote:try singing through your guitar rig.Danos work great for this, the song LOOP 27 on the first hifi record is mostly a crappy drum machine and my voice through a guitar rig.
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Weird guitar sounds

horsewhip wrote:wiggins wrote:anyone have any clue about the feedback on Drive Like Jehu's Yank Crime? especially in the last 3 minutes or so of 'luau'. it baffles me. ive kinda had the same results with pressing the E and A strings until they hit the pickguard on a tele through a couple of terrible distortion pedals and a crappy bass rig, but its no where near that shit. -wigginsAre you talking about that crazy chirping bird feedback? John Reis also did that on RFTC's Killy Kill from Circa Now. Whatcha wanna do is turn your Marshall up REALLY FUCKING LOUD, and use a guitar with single coil pickups (A Les Paul with P-90's is ideal, though a Fender will do in a pinch.) and put your guitar up really close to the amplifier, and have your pickups somewhere near the power transformer. Voila! However doing this for very long will seriously put a strain on your power tubes, so don't do it for like, two hours or anything.I thought I remembered reading that it was EMG pickups held up to the power transformer.Has anyone mentioned a good old fashioned slinky for far out space laser noises yet?

Weird guitar sounds

I've been borrowing a Moog Ring Modulator from a friend. For some reason if you use a Small Clone turned up all the way behind it you can make it sound like African drums from outer space, without even playing. But it helps if you tap on the strings, particularly near the pickups.

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