PRF010 Teeth The Strain - Available! #rockvscancerrockwins
31It's looking like I'm gonna get a break form radiation for a while (as of right now I'll have to go through more AFTER I get back from Chicago). My last day of treatment to the evil nerf football in my abdomen/attached to my lung is tomorrow, and I'm definitely glad, as it has burned me up on the inside and out. 12 really heavy days of it. My skin is tight and burnt, and my insides are uncomfortable as hell a lot of the time; I have a hell of a lot of esophageal inflammation (help me Prilosec!), my appetite's off (but I'm taking an RX appetite stimulant along with some uhh, organic remedies) and I'm hit quite hard with waves of extreme tiredness. But I rode this out pretty good, especially with it being immediately post-surgery, so I'm looking forward to getting all that crap out of my system in the coming weeks. It generally takes longer than that but hey, some motivation and drive can't hurt, right?