Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

It's frighteningly similar to the documentary about Shane McGowan, as they're both immensely talented dudes who live their lives in a drug and booze induced haze. Andre is barely functional as he bounces between tours, the hospital and seedy motel rooms. And it's amazing how many pretty young hipster girls throw themselves at a foul-mouthed 70 year old man. His life serves as either an inspiration or warning depending upon your perspective.

Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

offal wrote:Saw the documentary "The Captains" last night on Netflix. I'm not a Star Trek fan at all, but as a documentary junkie, I decided to give it a try. Wow. The movie, written and directed by Shatner, is so pathologically self-absorbed that it gets pretty hilarious at times. Found myself squirming and wincing on his behalf more than once. Can't really say it's good, but parts are so-bad-it's-good.I love Star Trek and I had to shut it off after about 20 minutes.Watching Jericho and The League right now. Neither is horrible. Jericho is kind of a poor man's BSG.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Streaming Netflix - what's good lately?

VaticanShotglass wrote:cneutron wrote:HBO recently reran the entire series, and I caught about 1/3 of it. I was blown away by how demonstrably monstrous some of the characters you root for are, ESPECIALLY Tony. Maybe I had rose colored glasses on about the narrative. It hit in the same way, and the balance between lionization and villainy is WAY more on the villain side than I remember. Maybe i'm just older and have less interest in male aggression these days. It actually made me appreciate the show more, in the same way that I do Breaking Bad. You are still rooting for Walter, even as he's as he's turned into a complete dark hat. Very interesting. I really need to see The Sopranos again as it has been too long. I'll likely experience it, like you did, differently with older eyes. I really want to watch it the same time as my kid brother watches it for the first time. He and I may have to get that HBO streaming service for this experiment be fair, although the morality was still very much less in question... holy crap. It's held up wonderfully. I wish I had had time to watch the whole thing beginning to end. I was stunned by how much I had forgotten about the last Steve Buscemi
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.

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