Recommend Some Good 'Hard' Sci-Fi

it seems the focus here is films. well i know nothing about sci-fi films, really nothing. but when it comes to literature, the genre of "hard" sci-fi has only produced one dude that really blows me away, and that's stanislaw lem. solaris and eden are my favorites. his master's voice is really good also.i only half enjoyed the recent film adaptation of solaris. i'm told the earlier one, by tarkovsky, is much better, but apparently lem himself liked neither, thought they were just movies about love in space, and had diluted the original message. i can see that, with the one i've seen at least. but tarkovsky's stalker, as mentioned in this thread, is really great. i love that film.asimov, clarke, that stuff never really clicked with me. frankly, not at all.most sci-fi authors i like are certainly not hard SF -- pkd, herbert, gibson, burroughs. front-runner choices perhaps but i can't get enough of those dudes. (band) (i make beats for that dude)

Recommend Some Good 'Hard' Sci-Fi

Plastic Eggs wrote:And any of Cronenberg's more whacked out, sci-fi leaning films - Naked Lunch and Videodrome especially.While both rad films, they are not what the original poster is looking for: "hard" a.k.a. realistic or theoretically plausible science fiction. Naked Lunch might make you hard, but insert cock joke here. Actually, "naked lunch" is a good slang term for exposed penis.

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