by OrthodoxEaster_Archive
Tommy wrote:I'd have to revisit those records but I remember at the time Crooked Rain's drumming being leaps and bounds better than Slanted. I think I actually said, holy shit, they got a drummer. I just remember Slanted's drumming being high school basement bad. Then again, I'm a guitar player just learning drums.AnthonyCinder wrote:I've never heard good drumming in Pavement. Probably one of the main reasons I can't get into Pavement.I don't think I've played a Pavement record in the last five years or so. And I'd pull one out right now, but I'm on vacation in Korea. Off the top of my head, I seem to recall some real moments of percussive goodness on Texas Never Whispers, Frontwards, Summer Babe, No Life Singed Her, Perfume V, Fame Throwa... Don't expect maximum tightness or grace. But there's a nice, loose-limbed psych-rock vibe and a lot of creativity. Good, swinging feel, strange fills. Almost like a really fucked-up Mitch Mitchell at times.Elsewhere in this thread: I do not understand the disrespect for Robo, Karl Burns, or Murph. To my ears, all three are pretty damn interesting by punk drumming standards. Robo plays like a sloppy Latin percussionist, totally odd and effective placement of accents, albeit monochromatic. Burns is a bit heavy-handed on Live at the Witch Trials, but he breathes nicely and sounds fantastic during his second stint in the Fall, especially w/Hanley as a second drummer. And Murph hits way hard and often drags the beat in an pleasingly heavy manner (although I haven't paid much attn to Dinosaur in decades), although he does seem to love riding that open hi-hat.Inept drummers who worked brilliantly well in their strange context: Karri Laitinen in Liimanarina (weird and great Finnish band that makes Mike Leigh-era Fall sound like Supertramp); Bradley Field in Teenage Jesus and the Jerks (deliberately vacant but so tight and simple on that two-piece kit, like a trained monkey); Bobby Gillespie in early Jesus and Mary Chain (who the hell was paying attn to the drums anyway?); Bob Bert in Pussy Galore (still not much of a drummer, but the use of metal percussion spiced his playing up considerably compared to his work in Sonic Youth); those two guys from Neubauten (see also: Pussy Galore)...Oh yeah: Chad Channing, now there was a crummy drummer.