# 1 Taco Riff.
22if you google "taco riff" a photo of waxeater with our shirts off shows up.
# 1 Taco Riff.
24Tommy wrote:First thing I thought of was Dragonaut (already mentioned several times) BUT how in the world has no one mentioned Slayer's Angel of Death? Or did I just miss it? Maybe it's not heavy enough.Other great taco riffage:Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave (though almost anything really)Fu Manchu - SupershooterMelvins - Night Goat, Sweet Willy RollbarTo me 'Angel of Death' (and its ilk) doesn't count because it doesn't really fit the gleefully decadent part of the Taco criteria. Oh, unless you're talking about the bridge riff. That's a Taco Riff for sure. If you mean the intro or chorus riffs; they certainly shred, but shredding is not tacoing.Also the mention of 'Sweet Wily Rollbar' reminded me that I think 'Revolve' is like a Taco showcase. One taco after another, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!EDIT: Jesus what on earth led me to sleep on Entombed for so long. It's not like I don't listen to dozens of bands who rip them off wholesale.
# 1 Taco Riff.
25numberthirty wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Are these taco riffs?Dude, those are chorizo taco riffs.EmpireStateTroopers wrote:Tuna taco riffs. ¡Hay que joderse - son Tacos de Pollo!
My mind, it's a terrible diskette.
# 1 Taco Riff.
28It's National Taco Day, y'all. I see no reason why celebrations shouldn't also include taco riffs.
# 1 Taco Riff.
29it's obviously complex, multifaceted phenomena. but if i understand correctly, this song is comprised nearly entirely of taco riffs:edited for grammar. ALSO edited because: although not metal, yet aren't a bunch of brainiac riffs tacos?
# 1 Taco Riff.
30I was trying to convey to mrs. two hands the concept of the taco riff. but it didn't make sense because I couldn't state it properly. But then the Trophy Wives were playing, and I said "that there is a taco riff, my dear." And she totally got it.