Split-studio approach
1Hi,New here. Please be gentle?My band is looking at places to record a 12-track album sometime early next year, and while we don't have the budget to put together the kind of record we want at EA (the whole thing is going to fall somewhere between $5K and $6K for us), we're huge fans of the drum sounds Steve's gotten on most of his recordings and were hoping to capture that before doing guitars and mixing at a less expensive studio closer to home. Do you guys have any recommendations for, or would you discourage us from recording drums in one of your studios before moving the rest of the project elsewhere to finish up? Our drummer is very good (by my standards at least), and the rest of us aren't too shabby either. So while our biggest priority would be to get top-notch, don't-touch-this drum mixes to bring with us to a less-expensive place afterward to mix and do overdubs, we obviously aren't opposed to recording guitars and bass live and hoping we get some cool-sounding stuff as a bonus.Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks!