The Fearsome and Mighty Drum kit restoration thread

Tommy wrote:Bandmate picked up a sweet deal on a '68-'70 Silver Sparkle Ludwig Classic kit in odd sizes. Olive/Blue badges, 3-ply w/ lacquered interiors. Rail tom mount. 13, 14, 16, 20 and keystone Supraphonic all for $250! Even included speed king, hi-hat, and 2 cymbal stands -- and lots of RUST! Lucky asshole, I say.They've been taken apart and are getting a good cleaning. The wrap was filthy and had random paint/crayon marks all over it. A little simple green wipedown and they look great. Hardware needs attention still. Anyway, the Supraphonic has more pitting than anything I've ever seen. It is in really, really rough shape. Potential issue: snare side bearing edge has pitting. Can anything easily be done to that? Their metal drums always seem to have a very rounded bearing edge so maybe it isn't that critical on the snare side... I have no idea. Maybe use a dremel with a buffing bit to get the edge smoother?Also, any recommendations on regluing/clamping down the wrap seams? They are coming up. Or just leave well enough alone?Nice find! I'm still trying to find the sweet spot on my Ludwig 20" kick that I just got. I'm thinking it's going to sound best with a powerstroke three batter and a ludwig medium heavy reso with a felt strip.As for the pitting on that supra: sandblast and replate. It's the only way you're going to be able to use those bearing edges if they're flaking.Why not plate it with nickel? I think that'd look cool as shit.Seam wraps peel because they're shrinking, so that's a tough one. Jack Lawton (again) is famous for fixing that well. I've fucked it up once and don't want to talk about it.You might call Jack and see if he's got any thoughts about it.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

The Fearsome and Mighty Drum kit restoration thread

Bandmate picked up a sweet deal on a '68-'70 Silver Sparkle Ludwig Classic kit in odd sizes. Olive/Blue badges, 3-ply w/ lacquered interiors. Rail tom mount. 13, 14, 16, 20 and keystone Supraphonic all for $250! Even included speed king, hi-hat, and 2 cymbal stands -- and lots of RUST! Lucky asshole, I say.They've been taken apart and are getting a good cleaning. The wrap was filthy and had random paint/crayon marks all over it. A little simple green wipedown and they look great. Hardware needs attention still. Anyway, the Supraphonic has more pitting than anything I've ever seen. It is in really, really rough shape. Potential issue: snare side bearing edge has pitting. Can anything easily be done to that? Their metal drums always seem to have a very rounded bearing edge so maybe it isn't that critical on the snare side... I have no idea. Maybe use a dremel with a buffing bit to get the edge smoother?Also, any recommendations on regluing/clamping down the wrap seams? They are coming up. Or just leave well enough alone?

The Fearsome and Mighty Drum kit restoration thread

Tommy wrote:Also, any recommendations on regluing/clamping down the wrap seams? They are coming up. Or just leave well enough alone?I really don't know a thing about restoring drums but the Slingy kit I bought had it's wraps separating and lifting up on every tom and on the bass drum.I took all the hardware off, cleaned them up and took some 3m rubber cement and brushed it into the wraps where they were lifted and then clamped it down, making sure to wipe all the excess glue off the wrap.I left them like that over night, took the clamps off and put the hardware back on and they've been like that for three years or so with no problems. The wraps haven't come up yet and if they do, I'll just do it again, as they've lasted that long with such a simple fix.There is a thread here that has some pictures of them. I know my FB page has some documentation if you want to look.

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