ribbons with similar response to RCA 44?

I've been poking around the internet lately, curious about trying out a RCA 44 (bx, probably) since it's been declared on this forum and elsewhere to be excellent when used properly on upright bass. They seem tough to come by. I'm curious what else is similar in its bass response, and secondarily, what in the construction accounts for that similarity. I see there's the AEA R44. (It's out of my range.)Apparently Toshiba type A was a clone.I saw Alex Maiolo's TapeOp review of the Cascade 731R, in which he passes along that Cascade says their mic is similarly designed. It's not expensive. Can it be true?I've read something about a reconfigured B&O which (maybe I'm misremembering) uses new old stock ribbons. And, that's about the extent of what I've seen so far, for mics claimed specifically to be similar to RCA 44.What else? What's close?(Also, maybe/maybe not relevant here, I've noted that zom-zom has strongly recommended the Blue Woodpecker but not necessarily because it resembles the RCA 44.)Didn't want to hotlink the specs image on coutant, but for convenience, they're on this page.Thanks in advance for the wisdom.

ribbons with similar response to RCA 44?

Bubber wrote:Found the data sheet for the 731r, and it doesn't look very similar.How drastically different is the PB-90 at the low end? coutant says freq response of 30-6,000Hz.I saw that when I did the review and thought the same thing. The construction is different (re: ribbon motors, etc) so you think that alone would be the deal breaker. You'll note that I say Cascade claims it's a variation on the RCA.In practice I found it to occupy a similar space though. All of the things that you like the RCA for: certain vocals, horns, etc - it does a great job.My guess is only a 44 is going to sound like a 44, and many different 44's are all going to sound different, so ballpark is probably good enough for most people.I can't afford a 44 anymore, but I did end up buying two 731r's because they did that ribbon thing that I was looking for.I think they are exceptional for the money. I think the Fat Head is even more exceptional for the the money though.-A
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

ribbons with similar response to RCA 44?

Some people claim that a B&O with a new output transformer and ribbon sounds just like a 44. It's an excellent and fairly affordable vintage ribbon mic and I use mine on pretty much every session I do but it is not a 44. It's not better or worse, just different. I would certainly use them in most of the same applications and be happy. Quite honestly, I've never heard a mic that quite sounded like a 44 except for a 44. The AEA version, which I've never used, is probably very close if not spot on. The Cascade mics that I have used are actually good sounding but again, are not a 44.

ribbons with similar response to RCA 44?

Haven't landed any of the other mics I've been looking at lately, but I am going to try this Lustraphone ribbon out in the meantime.There's an old BBC internal report up online wherein they determine it to be unsuitable for broadcast due to its proximity boost.I have to admit, I'm pretty curious to hear how it'll sound.(zebra50, I apologize for hotlinking your image of your test.)

ribbons with similar response to RCA 44?

Although we do not have any RCA mics, we own both the NOHYPE AUDIO LRM-1 (it states that its "Response based on the vintage RCA 44BX" but we have no chance to make sure) and Oktava ML-52. I can only say that LRM-1 sounds way brighter (and bigger) and has way smoother highs compared to that of Oktava (dark and less transients).Probably, modded Oktava would better do the job, I cannot say. At present we won't use it much mostly because it screws up the highs.Note: our LRM-1 is with the Lundahl transformer option, and the Oktava is stock (and pretty well aged).Another note: never buy the original spider for the Oktava ML-52 - it is engineered by idiots.Hope this is helpful.

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