
Total votes: 18 (100%)
NOT CRAP (No votes)
Total votes: 18

Band: Phish Phish?

cmay wrote:In case anyone missed it, Analyze Phish was a great 4-part podcast in which TV writer/comedian Harris Wittels tries (very unsuccessfully) to convince Scott Aukerman that Phish is actually good. The fourth episode consists of them seeing Phish live in NYC, and is essentially Aukerman taking as many drugs as possible to try and enjoy the show. Highly recommended for people who aren't fans of the band. going to post this. I never listened to the last one, but stoned Aukerman is probably great. Love Aukerman. The only friend I know of who likes Phish is doing a PhD in musicology at McGill. Also a deadhead and Zappa guy.

Band: Phish Phish?

i'll start by saying i would guess i've heard more phish than anyone on this board, as my two really good friends are reallllllly into them, among other things though, and not jam bands. at a time i even thought they were great. obviously now theyre crap. but when they were on a lot more speed they actually could do some things that my 16 year old head couldnt wrap around live. also, first time indirectly starting to understand and respect the DIY method to make music. i wouldnt say that they really held up to that anymore. also im 19, so i've never seen them in the early nineties or anything which most phish fans would say is there best. but while im younger than most on this board, i for the most part share a similar taste. but i did see them last year at alpine valley for kicks and, yeah, it was crap, and i've stopped listening to them since. but there are many many shows i've heard where phish is not crap, as flashy and pretentious as they may be. probably never wouldve been said on here before. maybe i'll try to find a decent youtube video, but really it was the cruising thing that got me into them, and probably mostly the weed. if anyone actually gives a shit and is interested in giving it a listen, a couple of the best shows i can think of are redrocks '94, or 8/17/97 i guess. i don't even care to convince anyone, as i doubt i'll ever listen to a full phish show again. also i fucking hate the grateful dead. phish is way heavier than those types of jam bands and i think it's pretty lazy comparison. it's mostly just that the moron, drug addicted crowd switched over to phish as soon as jerry garcia croaked.i dont take my opinion of phish as serious as some of you might, which is confusing

Band: Phish Phish?

milkmeat wrote:I am genuinely curious to read what someone who frequents this forum AND who is one of the apparent non-phish haters has to say about this band. It's a morbid curiosity, I admit, but still.I too am curious. Please speak your peace (no pun intended), Phish Phans! We are a 5 votes, and I am genuinely interested in hearing your opinions and will withhold my judgment. Namaste.

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