For free: Things.

Queen sized bed, mattress, box spring. Free to NYC. This has been our guest bed for a number of years. We don't have many guests, so it's pretty clean. We've kept a mattress protector on it.I can probably deliver it to you today or tomorrow. After that, pickup only. Actually, it's going up on Free CL tomorrow afternoon, so it should be gone in about 5 minutes.It's not the most stylish thing, but several forum members can tell you that it's a really comfortable bed.Simmons Backcare Model, probably 10 years old. The box spring probably has some cat claw marks in it.We are doing spring cleaning. = JustinNever any bug problems in our house, including no bedbugs. Just in case you're paranoid about that kind of thing.

For free: Things.

Arson Smith wrote:Justin Foley wrote:Poster Children “ Flower Plower (Ragged and faded, XL, circa 1988!)Wouldn't have fit me anyway, but DAAANG.....!That's the one I zeroed in on, too. Almost sent Justin a PM offering to pay for it, but decided I didn't want to be that guy.

For free: Things.

I have a big stack (maybe 100-ish?) of the original Bike The Dog posters from 2009 that look like a big red anus. They are on nice paper, printed at The Bird Machine, but I guess people don't want a big gigantic asshole staring down at them while they eat and/or sleep.The whole red-eye thing was, unfortunately, a joke that got out of hand. But, I still have them, I will only give them away en masse to a local Chicago person. I don't have time/money to get tubes and mail them out individually all over the place. Nobody wanted them when they came out, so you lost your chance. maybe someone can use the backs for more printing or practicing, or some other craft type project? You have about 24 hours until they go in the recycling bin, thus ensuring a premium value on all remaining copies.

For free: Things.

noise&light wrote:For free:Glacier Ice Gel Refrigerant for keeping things cold.I have 17 packages that are all roughly 6 x 4. You can have as many or as little as you like. I don't need them at all. Come on by and they are yours.If no one wants them, walk into your local elementary school office and donate them for ice packs.

For free: Things.

noise&light wrote:Eugenius wrote:noise&light wrote:For free:Glacier Ice Gel Refrigerant for keeping things cold.I have 17 packages that are all roughly 6 x 4. You can have as many or as little as you like. I don't need them at all. Come on by and they are yours.If no one wants them, walk into your local elementary school office and donate them for ice packs.Thanks! That's a great suggestion. I had no idea what to do with them.You have no idea how many ice packs an elementary office goes through in a day until you spend a year working in one.

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