Tennessee Trip Advice: Memphis and Nashville

Some other Nashville stuff:1. Lane Motor Museum. You wouldn't label me a car person and walk away with your face intact but there's a European motor museum here that I found to be really engaging. They have a extensive collection of unusual or rare vehicles in pristine condition, including old German BMW's, Monowheels, and Hungarian sedans from the 50's. They even have a prototype steam car. Worth a visit.http://www.lanemotormuseum.org/2. The Bell Witch Cave. Just north of Nashville in Adams. Re: Tennessee's most well known haunt legend. Apocalyptic Christians give the tour. There's a beautiful little Indian grave from centuries ago in the first of two chambers. The family that runs the attraction seems to have avoided any kind of state safety oversight. The main tunnel floods when it rains a lot. To be more specific, it's usually slightly dangerous to walk 100 yards or more on sharp slippery rocks, surrounded by lurking spiders the size of wine bottles. The experience is worth it though and the tour is pretty cheap. 3. Rhino Books and Elder's Bookstore Elder's is an antiquarian bookshop with some stuff i haven't seen anywhere else. The owner has a perma-scowl but it's a good place to find shit that you want but didn't know you wanted and maybe can't afford. Rhino is just a good bookstore to hang out in. Lots of cheap paperbacks. There's never anyone there when i go and I always love the music that the old hippie clerks are playing when I'm there. The coffee at the new coffee place next door is really good.

Tennessee Trip Advice: Memphis and Nashville

I visit Nashville occasionally for work and have picked out a few places that I keep coming back to.Roberts Western World on lower broadway is a classic honky-tonk in the middle of the tourist district. The (always country) music has been great and the food is delightfully low brow. If I recall correctly they call their special the economic stimulus package which consists of a fried baloney sandwich, bag of lays, can of PBR and a Moon Pie for $5!I've also come back to Sam's Sushi Bar a few times. Sam's is a one man operation run by Sam Katakura who has developed the reputation of Nashville's sushi nazi. It's a tiny three table room with a small bar and waiting area located on Printers Alley. There are hand written signs all over that say things like good customer only and this is slow food place, not fast food. Pretty charming and kind of intimidating. He has a menu, but really you are only allowed to order from the specials menu. There are two specials, and as far as I can tell you are only allowed to order special #1, which is two very large rolls of your choosing for $5.75. I tried to order miso soup once and he shut me down immediately.Lastly I would recommend the spicy chicken and fish shacks scattered around the city. My favorites are Bolton's Spicy Chicken & Fish and East Side Fish.

Tennessee Trip Advice: Memphis and Nashville

Yeah, Fran's and Family Wash are thirded here. I've played at the Wash a couple times and sang karaoke at Fran's. Fun times were had by all.Also, get over to Gruhn's guitars on lower Broadway and check out some expensive guitars. Nothing in there is affordable, but it's worth it as a museum-type experience.Oh, if you like Indian food, go to Woodlands on West End Ave. near 440. It's all vegetarian and better than any other Indian restaurant I've ever been to. I got addicted to it for a few years when I lived there.If you want BBQ, Neeley's on 8th (in Metrocenter) is pretty good. It was right around the corner from my old job, so I used to hit it all the time. Otherwise, my favorite BBQ place in the area is Martin's out in Nolensville, but it's a bit of a drive from the city.For beers, Yazoo is pretty mediocre by my standards. You're better off just going to the Flying Saucer.

Tennessee Trip Advice: Memphis and Nashville

If you are into real nerdy record cutting and record production type of stuff in Nashville United Record Pressing and Nashville Record Productions are next door to each other. United is cool to take a tour of. I think they give tours of the place on the regs. I took a tour of the NRP cutting room once and it is totally unreal, bunch of one of a kind gear, 3 Scully Lathes, Neumann and Sphere cutting desks, however, I don't think they usually give tours, you might just call them up, the worst thing they can do is say no.In Memphis, Goner records for record shopping and the Sun Studio tour for tourist stuff.

Tennessee Trip Advice: Memphis and Nashville

This place on the strip had a ripping house band that played nothing but old classics: no new country and no rock music. The Silver Threads. Johnnie Barber on drums. He's played with Johnny Paycheck, Merle Haggard, Charlie Louvin, and lots more. Rich Gilbert on guitar and pedal steel. He used to tour around with F.B. and The Catholics. Singer Eileen Rose has good pipes and a dry wit. The ST have excellent taste in covers and are probably the best thing going on lower Broadway. Most bars on Broadway feature music that you'd hear at a shitty southern wedding.

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