Post videos of people bombing on stage

madmanmunt wrote:One of the worst (best?) real-life "shreds" videos I have ever seen!Considering this is a Zappa piece, it's not pretty but it's alright, given the context. Zappa had a "what ever the fuck" -approach to his own solos on stage. As in, trying to create a piece on the fly without having no idea what the outcome would sound like. Holdsworth did a good job at that.Edited to make more sense.

Post videos of people bombing on stage

Marsupialized wrote:phpBB [media]when i saw this on the verge there was some dweeb in the comments section who was defending michael bay and kept referring to him just as "michael." like "i'm sure michael just had a tough time being up there in front of so many people and no safety net." "michael is a director, not a public speaker." oh yeah, internet dude? that's too bad for your buddy michael, a guy who made a movie about robots who are also cars into a movie about how big of a pussy obama is. people wouldn't watch this video if michael bay didn't suck so bad.a fun fact about this video is that booing or being a hater of any kind is sternly frowned-upon at CES which is why that video is so deeply quiet and awkward. anyone who laughed at him failing probably would have lost their job or something. tech is cool and i love it
Marsupialized wrote:You are shitting me

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