Best Music Store in America Best Music Store in America

FM noise&light took me to Vic's Drum Shop for the first time last week. Holy christ, that place is massive and on top of their shit. They only carry new stuff and a lot of it is high end, but the prices are reasonable considering that. Very nice staff that are knowledgeable but not pushy. Check them out if you like drum porn: they also have the nicest hourly rehearsal space I've ever seen. Good amps and a nice Sonor kit with, get this, well maintained and tuned heads!I have had great mail order luck with Memphis Drum Shop. Seconded on their demos.

Best Music Store in America Best Music Store in America

Fork's Drum Closet in Nashville is just an amazing, amazing place. Memphis Drum Shop doesn't have quite as impressive a showroom, but their videos online are insanely well recorded (for product demos) and they do fast, efficient, cheerful mail order.Gruhn's Guitars in Nashville is like visiting Guitar Boner Central. The last time I was in there, they were courteous, cheeful, funny, generous with their time and instruments, and Mike from Five Eight bought a strat. They threw in a free coffee mug. Atlanta Drum Collective in a small consignment/sticks/heads shop with more great snare drums and cool vintage kits that a shop that size should ever have. All killer, no filler. Also, good lessons rooms and a helpful, courteous, funny staff (and a chihuahua).Athens' McNeese Music has quality used gear, though the inventory is small, it is priced right. John McNeese, the owner, does fast, affordable amp repairs and is a great guy. His operation may be a little small for "Best In America," but he's such a great guy that he warrants being mentioned here.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Best Music Store in America Best Music Store in America

154 wrote:FM noise&light took me to Vic's Drum Shop for the first time last week. Holy christ, that place is massive and on top of their shit. They only carry new stuff and a lot of it is high end, but the prices are reasonable considering that. Very nice staff that are knowledgeable but not pushy. One of them would be my dear friend Kevin - he's given me a full tour. The place is amazing. Vic himself is a character, and probably has all the world's great drummers on his speed dial.Some of the Music Garage spaces in that building are amazing. I've even been in one that had a attached control room.
Mike McGovern

Best Music Store in America Best Music Store in America

1009 wrote:Let's give FM ampeg77's shop, Rock 'n Roll Vintage in Chicago, a mention. Swell dude, swell shop -- I've had great conversations there even when not picking anything up.If I'm going with my head, sure. If I'm going with my heart, Hix Bros. in northern Illinois. My childhood guitar teacher's sons renamed the store after Mr. Hix retired in the late nineties.Here's Mr. Hix's obituary from a couple of years back -

Best Music Store in America Best Music Store in America

Of course I had to think long and hard, but I remember a shop in Champaign, IL called "Skins and Tins" that my drummer loved going to. Maybe the only cool music stores are drum oriented? I've had okay experiences at Guitar Center. Nothing totally rude or out of the ordinary has happened, but i usually only went there for strings or picks. It's more of an annoying experience, cuz they always try to sell you something else or "up sell" you, or you have to wait in a long ass line. "No dude, i just want the regular old dunlop nylon picks and whatever strings are on sale."

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