how we live like damn hell ass kings.

scott wrote:mmmribsmmm wrote:I just sold this to a band member for 500 dollars so I can drive up to the BBQ and meet some new people. That looks exactly how I remember my 74 SG Special. Awesome, beautiful guitar with probably my favorite bridge pickup ever. But the neck wasn't wide enough for my tastes, I grew up on a classical acoustic and couldn't do jack on that guitar but power chords. If you have a different guitar to use, I think you made a good call. Meeting 50 or 75 or 100 legitimately cool people is worth more than a guitar (especially if it has a too-narrow neck.)33 thumbs upI still have a 74 standard that I'm holding onto. I basically got a good deal on this one when I bought it with a 76 Les Paul Custom that was pretty much untouched. I have too many guitars and the other guitarist likes it. I'm glad it's staying in the family.

how we live like damn hell ass kings.

mmmribsmmm wrote:I just sold this to a band member for 500 dollars so I can drive up to the BBQ and meet some new people. That looks exactly how I remember my 74 SG Special. Awesome, beautiful guitar with probably my favorite bridge pickup ever. But the neck wasn't wide enough for my tastes, I grew up on a classical acoustic and couldn't do jack on that guitar but power chords. If you have a different guitar to use, I think you made a good call. Meeting 50 or 75 or 100 legitimately cool people is worth more than a guitar (especially if it has a too-narrow neck.)33 thumbs up
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

how we live like damn hell ass kings.

The other night at the Kitchen Sink dinner/rutabega party there was a moment when I was just like HOLY FUCK, THIS RULES! EVERYTHING RULES! LIFE IS GREAT!.My business establishment was packed to the gills with my good friends. Everyone was full and happy, and this kick-ass band was killing it (as usual) with a cello and a violin player, to boot! It was a beautiful thing! I think me and Jim had this realization simultaneously as we both made eye contact with this 'fuck yeah!!' look! fuck yeah!

how we live like damn hell ass kings.

EmpireStateTroopers wrote:The other night at the Kitchen Sink dinner/rutabega party there was a moment when I was just like "HOLY FUCK, THIS RULES! EVERYTHING RULES! LIFE IS GREAT!".My business establishment was packed to the gills with my good friends. Everyone was full and happy, and this kick-ass band was killing it (as usual) with a cello and a violin player, to boot! It was a beautiful thing! I think me and Jim had this realization simultaneously as we both made eye contact with this 'fuck yeah!!' look! fuck yeah!Now that Nashville dream got kicked in the nuts, this looks a strong argument for Chicago.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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